Friday, February 17, 2012

morning treasure

found this book cover in dezeen . and it made me lol. wondering what's inside the book. jadi pengen baca. hihi

anyway, i found something interesting this morning. something that makes me excited. one of my favorite design web is giving away interesting design books! and i just found out that they're already doing it since a long time ago. cuma gw ga perhatiin aja. so i should start keep on watching them n ikutan. kali2 bisa menang kan akan sangat menyenangkan sekali. hohoho *finger-crossed*

yah. semoga bisa menang. amiinnn :)

Thursday, February 16, 2012


do you think these pictures are just some interior photographs? nope, u're wrong. these are render (3D) works! ga nyangka banget ya. sampe gw liatin terus, so amazed kok bisa rendernya bener2 keliatan real. yang bikin ini namanya Bertrand Benoit. found these in homedsgn , while pikiran lagi mentok (need some new ideas/inspiration in working on my current project). dan ga bisa berenti liatin/amazed sama gambar2 ini. kapan yaa gw bisa ngerender ky gini. hmmm..

anyway, gotta back to work. semangatt! i can do this! :)