Friday, October 31, 2008

celotehan sajah

wahh bsk udah masuk bulan oktober yah.2008 tinggal 2 bulan lagi.kok cepat sekali yaa.antara seneng sama serem jg nih.seneng krn bntar lagi natal,bentar lagi mo masuk taon yang baru,tapi brarti bentar lagi gw mulai kerja.kerja juga sbenernya bikin seneng sama serem jg.i'm excited to start working tapi blom bisa ngebayangin aja dunia kerja nanti gimana,trus lingkungannya kaya apa,orang2nya,trus yang pasti nanti klo udah kerja kayanya ga bs santai2 lagi yah kaya skrg.huahh
brapa hari ini sakit malesnya kambuh lagi (kynya kambuh mulu.hehe) mo mulai sesuatu tuh pasti males2an klo mo bikin tugas ptama2 cek2 email dulu,trus browsing2 eh jadi keterusan akhirnya tugasnya ga mulai2 dibikin deh.kayanya niat sama badan ga mau sinkron mulu.heran.huahh mo bikin tugas,eh jadi males2an.mau ngurusin badan,eh malah makannya jadi tambah banyak.mau ngirit malah jadi boros.susah emang.klo ada niat itu blom tntu bisa jalan. :(
tapi dari hal ini gw blajar sesuatu jadi blajar lebih ngertiin orang mungkin.kadang2 kita suka kecewa ato negative thinking sama orang yang tindak tanduknya ga ky yang kita harapkan.padahal klo dipikir2 mungkin sbenernya orang itu punya niat baik sama kita,tapi niat baiknya itu blom bisa kesampean dilakuin ato mgkn dy pake cara yang salah.intinya dy sbenernya bukannya jahat sama badan kita yang kadang2 suka susah dibilangin supaya ngikut kemauan kita,mgkn dia gt sndiri jg kdg udah punya niat baik sama org tapi suka ga kesampean jg.hehe yah intinya gw blajar utk think positive aja deh sama org.hoho
so,emang klo melakukan sesuatu klo cuman punya niat doang kynya blom tentu bisa jalan.ada niat harus ada pengorbanan n usaha jg supaya niat itu kesampean. :)
huahh mo nulis apa lagi yah.lagi banyak pikiran tapi tak tahu mau cerita yang mana.hohoho
cukup sudah dulu deh :)

this is me - demi lovato and joe jonas

I've always been the kind of girl
that hid my face
so afraid to tell the world
what I've got to say
but i have this dream
right inside of me
I'm gonna let it show
it's time to let you know
to let you know

this is real this is me
I'm exactly where i'm supposed to be
gonna let the light
shine on me
now i found who I am
there's no way to hold it in
no more hiding who i wanna be
this is me

do you know what it's like to feel so in the dark
to dream about a life where your the shining star
even though it seems like its to far away
i have to believe in myself
it's the only way

this is real this is me
I'm exactly where i'm supposed to be
now gonna let the light
shine on me
now i found who I am
there's no way to hold it in
no more hiding who i wanna be
this is me

you're the voice i hear inside my head
the reason that i'm singing
i need to find you
i gotta find you
you're the missing piece i need
the song inside of me
i need to find you

I Gotta find you

This is real this is me
I'm exactly where i'm supposed to be
now gonna let the light shine on me
now i found who i am
there's no way to hold it in
no more hiding who i wanna be
this is me

You're the missing piece i need
the song inside of me
you're the voice (this is me)
i hear inside my head
the reason that i'm singing

Now i found who i am
there's no way to hold it in
no more hiding who i wanna be
this is me

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

10 Healthy Ways to Lose or Maintain Your Weight

1. Don’t diet. A key ingredient in this formula is to NEVER diet. Remove the word from your vocabulary! As a teen, your body is growing and changing rapidly. A strict diet at this stage in your life could be unhealthy. Now’s the time to learn how to eat right and then do so for the rest of your life.

2. Keep track. Make a food log for one week. Write down everything you eat — from regular meals to stolen bites of candy bars to high-calorie drinks like milkshakes or Cokes. Also make note of what time it was eaten.

3. Study the results. At the end of the week, look over your food log. Evaluate where you’re eating high-calorie, low-nutrient foods. Then eliminate these foods from your diet.

4. Find a pattern. Spend some time studying your food log, looking for eating patterns. Do you eat when you’re upset or nervous? Do you eat at bedtime? Stop using food as a Band-Aid for disturbed emotions. When you’re upset, take a walk or express your feelings in a journal; do anything but eat.

5. Eat your Wheaties. Don’t skip breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day. When you wake up, your body hasn’t received any nourishment for 10 to 12 hours. And when the body doesn’t receive any food for more than 12 hours, it goes into survival mode — it burns calories at a slower rate. Therefore, breakfast should be your biggest meal of the day.

6. Check the chart. Learn what foods your body needs daily.

Food Guide  Pyramid
The average person needs 2 to 3 servings of meat, 4 servings of bread and grains, 4 or more servings of fruits and vegetables and 4 or more cups of milk or milk products. The USDA’s Food Guide Pyramid provides a good checklist for balancing your food intake.

7. Dump the junk. Avoid FAST FOODS! Most are high in calories and fat but low in nutritional value. The only possible exception is pizza. Pizza can be nutritious, but only certain varieties. Avoid pizzas with lots of meat toppings and those with cheese-filled crusts.

8. Don’t go overboard. Everything you eat must be in moderation. You might be eating healthy foods. But if you overeat , you’re defeating your purpose.

9. Exercise! Don’t put it off. As the Nike ads say, “Just Do It!” Take a walk or use the stairs instead of the elevator. Park (or have Mom drop you off) at the end of the parking lot and walk to the mall. Jump on a trampoline. Don’t try to do the whole workout tape at one time; start slow and gradually work up to it. Go swimming. Be creative. Exercise can be fun!

10. Talk to God. If you don’t remember anything else, remember this — GOD CREATED YOU, AND HE UNDERSTANDS YOUR FEARS! Talk to God about your body image and self-esteem. He cares! For proof of this, read Psalm 139. Read it every day until you believe it.

taken from:

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

bad luck ... or not

ga tau napa hari-hari ini adaaa aja yang kejadian.tadi pagi gw mo masak nasi, udah taro beras sama airnya di panci nasinya trus abis itu kan mau masukin ke rice cooker,ehh tau2nya pancinya mencong aja gtu,trus jadi isinya tumpah sebagian ke samping rice cooker yang kebetulan lagi ada tumpukan buku ensiklopedi .huaahh yasud deh abis itu jadi musti ngelap2 tu buku2 satu2,beras udah pada nempel di badan.haiyahh
kejadian lagi mau ke bca mo nyetor duit.trus sbnernya kita udah parkir di satu tempat sebrang bcanya,trus nyokap ngusulin pindah ke tmpat yang lebih adem di bwh pohon biar ga panas.yasud gw nyalain mobil lagi.nyokap di luar.trus gw mundurin mobil,mundur bales maju bales mundur pas gtu gw maju gw ga tau tnyata di dkt situ ada kotak yang buat taneman itu loh,yang dari semen gtu.yasud deh jeglug jeglug,ban mobil kiri depan terperangkap dalem kotak itu.huaahh nyokap udah triak2 sbnernya di luar,tapi gw ga buka jendela jadi ga denger.huhu pusing dah.maju mundur ga bisa kluar.klo mundur bunyi2 gtu bannya ky mo patah.untung ada tukang parkir disitu jadi lgsg panggil,trus dia akirnya taro batu di blakang ban,n finally mobilnya bisa mundur n bannya kluar dr situ.thank God.huahh
kjadian 3.lagi mau kluar kamar eh punggung gw kebeset sama cantolan kunci pintu kamar yang besi itu loh.jadi punggung gw ada bekasnya deh.moga2 cepet ilang.tapi sakitnya itu tadi pas kebeset,huaahh.maknyuss.
dan klo mo disebutin dari kmaren2 tu adaa aja yang aneh2.apalagi hari mggu tuh mau greja.brangkat jm11an eh deket rumah maceet banget.akhirnya kita lewat jalan lain.trus dari karawaci kita lewat tol mobilnya bunyi2 aneh gtu.ada cikicikicik duk duk duk apa lah bunyi2 gtu.huahh panik dah.kan takut jg klo tiba2 ga bisa jalan ato apa.maklum jg si mobil udah mayan tua.hoho akirnya kita tetep terusin jalan tapi pelan2 lewat yang peninsula belok kiri itu,tp abis itu mutusin mendingan ke bengkel dulu beresin,dan hari mggu gtu bengkel yang buka jarang bgt.akirnya kita mutusin ke bngkel langganan yang di dkt rumah gw.balik lagi deh.singkatnya akirnya dicek tnyata bearing bannya tau kok bisa patahnya gmana.yasud langsung ganti deh.nunggu di bngkel sejam lebih klo ga salah.abis itu jalan ke ta,jd sore bisa ke grj yg jm stngah 6.ehh di jalan ketabrak motor.huahh pokonya hari yang aneh deh.huhu dari kejadian hari mggu itu untung ada si ko jim sih.klo cuma gw ama cici gw,apalagi klo cuma gw doang,waduh ga tau deh kaya apa.hoho
yah gtu deh.brasanya jadinya kok ky bad luck mulu yah.adaa aja yang kejadian,yang nyebelin,ga sperti yang kita harapkan jalannya normal2 aja.kadang jadi sebel,jadi negatif sndiri.tapi kadang2 gw diingetin,mungkin Tuhan ijinin smua ini terjadi buat ngetes reaksi gw.apa gw jadi males,ato jadi makin deket sama Dia.hoho sejauh ini sih kadang males kadang jadi lebih niat devotion.hohoho but i learned to trust Him more. :)
so anyway, one lesson to learn. problems = streching our faith. karakter orang bisa diliat waktu dia ngalamin masalah,gimana cara ngadepinnya. jadi masalah itu ada supaya kita blajar to put our faith in Him,supaya dibentuk karakternya.n i hope gw bisa lewatin smua masalah gw yang ga cuma soal bad luck ini aja,but yang lain2nya juga.i'll pass the test n ready to get to the next level of life.amiiin!! \(^^,)/

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Taste and See by Israel & New Breed

Taste and see that the LORD is good
You've tried everything that you thought you could
Taste and see that His love is real
Open up right now and let your heart be filled
Peace overflowing, joy everlasting
Love so amazing taste
Life so exciting, Hope so inviting
All who are crying to be free
Taste and see, Taste and see
Taste and see.

Taste and see that His Word is true
You've been hurt before but He won't lie to you
Taste and see never thirst again
Every broken heart Jesus Christ will mend

You'll never know 'til you try
You'll never live 'till you die to yourself
And find for yourself that He's good
You'll never see with your eyes
Until your heart realizes that He is all that you need
Taste and See


tuesday nite,n i'm feeling not rite.tugas banyak banget!!sebenernya ga banyak,cuma satu matkul doang tp yang msti dikerjain banyak.mana dosen tuh ada2 aja mintanya.huahh emangnya dosen diciptain buat nyusahin kita yah.huhu
it just felt tidak menyenangkan hari-hari ini.moodnya jadi ga gtu baik.banyak pikiran,pdhl klo ditanya apa yang dipikirin gw jg ga tau mo jawab apa,bingung jg.huahh life just felt uneasy.we want things happen n people act the way we want to,but in reality it's not.dan sebenernya gw udah terbiasa dari dulu ky gtu,mau apa kga kesampean ya udah,easygoing aja,terima aja.these days si gw bisa bilang gw fine2 aja,tp sbenernya i keep wondering why.hoho ga jelas yah gw nulis apa. :)
huahh anyway i only have two days to finish my library design concept.but you know to start working i need some warming ups.jadi yah ky gini nih.smpet2in nulis blog.hoho
td pagi gw udah semangat tuh,nongkrong di perpus ampir 2 jeman,udah mule coret2,bikin sebagian layout,udah mulai kebayang designnya ky apa,n then td dibilangin klo si pa emil maunya ini itu bla bla bla.huh jd males lagi deh gw.but i have to finish it before friday.huhu
anyway the good news is that mom's here in jakarta today!yay!untuk seminggu lebih ke depan bakal lebih terjamin hidup gw.hehe thank God i have her :)

last thing to say: life is hard,but God is good.circumstances may discomfort me,but i'm learning to trust that He is always's a truth.all things are for the good of those people who love and trust Him. :)

Monday, October 13, 2008

My life is in Ur hands by Kathy Trocolli

Life can be so good
Life can be so hard
Never knowing what each day
Will bring to where you are
Sometimes I forget
And sometimes I can't see
That whatever comes my way
You'll be with me

My life is in your hands
My heart is in your keeping
I'm never without love
Not when my future is with you

My life is in your hands
And though I may not see clearly
I will lift my voice and sing
Cause your love does amazing things
Lord, I know, my life is in your hands

Nothing is for sure
Nothing is for keeps
All I know is that your love
Will live eternally
So I will find my way, yes
And I will find my peace
Knowing that you'll meet my every need


When I'm at my weakest love
You carry me
Then I become my strongest love
In your hands

My life is in your hands
And though I may not see clearly
I will lift my voice and sing
Cause your love does amazing things
Lord, I know, my life is in your hands
I trust you Lord
My life is in your hands

Carry You by Amy Grant

Lay down your burden, I will carry you
I will carry you, my child, my child
Lay down your burden, I will carry you
I will carry you, my child, my child

'Cause I can walk on water
And calm a restless sea
I've done a thousand things you've never done

And I'm weary watchin'
While you struggle on your own
Call my name, I'll come

Lay down your burden, I will carry you
I will carry you, my child, my child
Lay down your burden, I will carry you
I will carry you, my child, my child

I give vision to the blind
And I can raise the dead
I've seen the darkest side of Hell
And I returned
And I see those sleepless nights
And I count every tear you cry
I know some lessons hurt to learn

Lay down your burden, I will carry you
I will carry you, my child, my child
Lay down your burden, I will carry you
I will carry carry, my child, my child

I will carry you, my child, my child
I will carry you

Thursday, October 9, 2008


horee..finally visa bokap jadi juga.stelah bolak balik mulu ke kedutaan di gkbi,skrg ga usa kesana lagi.hohoho yahh mungkin next time klo msti ngurus visa lagi disana it's for my own trip.haha amiiinnnn!!!! :)
hari ini ujian tinjauan desain sama rab(rencana anggaran biaya klo ga salah singkatannya.haha) yg TD tadi ujian pagi jm 8.kurang lebih stengah jem udah selese.lumayan gampang si.udah dikasi kisi2 kemarenan.udah ngapalin sambil nyetir tadi pagi.hehe walopun ada satu nomer yang gw ga tau jawabannya apaan tapi at least kurang lebih jwbannya dpt d.ehh tapi dodolnya gw..selese ujian baru nyadar dikasi tau temen gw,tnyata tu ujian openbook!haha untung gw emang beneran bisa tadi.klo gw udah ga bisa,trus ga tau klo openbook kan nyesel banget tuh.haha tapi emang enak bgt ni ujian tadi.masa udah dikasi kisi2 yang jawabannya paling masing2 nomer ada 3-4 poin,masi open book jg.ckckck kurang apa coba tu dosen.dijamin luluuss semua.hahaha
trus jadi abis itu bisa langsung jalan ke gkbi,bareng sama olive n vone,lumayan jadi ada 2 jockey buat ngelewatin 3 in 1.hehehe trus smpet nunggu agak lama di kedutaan,tapi pas dikasi paspornya rasanya seneengg banget.pdhl bukan paspor gw yah.abisnya kynya perjuangan gw cukup banyak buat ngurusin visa ini.pake ada nangis sgala lagi gara2 diomelin bokap.huahua akhirrnyyaaa..felt so relieved after that.hoho thx God :) jadi tadi sore langsung kirim deh ke palembang.huahh mission accomplished!yay! :)
abis itu jadi balik ke kampus lagi masi ada waktu buat nyantai2 sblom ujian rab jm 1.ujiannya full 1,5 jem ngitung2 material interior.huahuah anyway beres lah tadi ujian hari ini..jadi udah lewat 3 ujian..hoho masi ada 5 lagi..CIAYOO2 \(^^,)/
oya hari gw ga date.tadi ketiduran..jem 8 kurang baru bangun..haha kacau nih.nempel dikit ke ranjang udah langsung bles tidur.maren jg.haha gawat.padahal musim begadang blom mulai.ckckck
anyway felt so grateful for everything coz it's all GREAT!hoho walopun keuangan lagi seret.padahal baru tanggal segini yahh.hehe tapi it's all great..thank YOU God! :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

what a day

today has been a 'wow' day.pagi2 udah diomeli2in n ngomel balik sama bokap gw.untungnya lewat telpon.klo langsung sih mgkn gw ga bakal bisa ngomel balik,secara klo lagi marah gw bawaannya pgn nangis.tadi aja ngomel2 udah dgn suara bergetar nahan supaya ga break out n cry.huahh
blakangan ini gw sibuk ngurusin visanya bokap gw buat ke south africa.dan to let u know,gw udah empat kali bolak balik ke sana,trmasuk hari ini.dipikir2 hebat jg yah gw,cewe sndirian ngurus visa.huahh mau tak mau si,abis bokap di palembang,gw jadi utusan dah.
hari prtama,pas banget lagi ada south african heritage day.embassy office gw dateng cuman buat liat tempat (bonusnya ktemu bule.hehe)
hari kedua,besoknya,udah brhasil ketemu consularnya,tapi tnyata bokap salah isi form.dy isi pake blue ink,yang mana harusnya pk black i have to send the application form to palembang,n the next day my dad has to send it back to me.
the next following week,libur bisa ngurus.bonyok trutama bokap mule panik.soalnya mggu dpnnya udah harus brangkat.klo visa blom jadi kn ga bisa jalan.
hari ketiga, bela2in naik bus pulang pegi ke sudirman,krn ga bisa bw 9 pagi kn masi 3 in,gw taro mobil di kampus trus naek bus deh.sampe sana,dibilangin masi kurang lengkap ktnya.msti ada travel itinerary dari indo ke malay.(bokap ke sa brgkt dr malay). so,pulang lagi.
jadi ya udah cape jg bolak balik gtu,eh diomelin lagi tadi pagi.gara2 misscom gtu.pokonya kesel banget gw tadi pagi.sampe mo pake eyeliner aja jd bleber mulu,ngulang 2 kali.udah nyiapin sarapan jadi ga napsu makan,akirnya gw simpen lagi di kulkas.anyway gw trus siap2 trus jalan ke kampus.
jalanan enak banget,kosong.orang masi pada sdikit menyesal napa ga lewat tol aja,lancar banget tolnya.huahh
sampe di kampus,gw baru nyadar,DOMPET GW KETINGGALAN!huahh kyny jadi lengkap banget ni hari ini.mana isi dompet itu buat kperluan hari ini.duit buat bayar visa fee,ktp buat bisa masuk gedung kedutaan,pas foto n kartu mahasiswa buat ambil ksm buat ujian,kartu atm dan sgala macem,duit buat angkot (gw naik bus lagi mnghindari 3 in 1),plus duit buat bayar parkir kampus.jadinya gw ngutang dulu tuh tadi sama si mbak tukang parkir.huahh
bingung bgt abis itu.untung gw masih bisa tenang,ga lgsg nangis. :) bingung kan,mo pulang dulu ambil dompet takut ga smpet,masi ada urusan di kampus,msti ke kedutaan,trus jm 1 ujian make it short,akhirnya solusinya kirim duit ke atm felis,ambil lewat dia,jadi duit buat fee ada.trus minjem ktp felis buat masuk gedung nanti,minjem pas fotonya felis buat ksm gw.haha ksm kita jadi sama persis gtu fotonya,kembar siam.haha trus minjem duit kecil jg buat naik bus. intinya felis was my hero of the day!haha untuuungg banget ada dia.thx a lot ya fel..kau penyelamatku.haha
so,gw jadi tetep brgkt sesuai rencana nympe kedutaan jm 9an.ktemu sama si mbak yang kmaren,dan finally the visa can be applied.huahh leganya.walopun masi harap2 cemas supaya ga ada masalah dan bisa jadi hari kamis nanti.but i'm soo grateful akhirnya bisa diterima juga semua berkas2 buat visa itu.tinggal berdoa supaya semuanya lancar dan beres hari kamis nanti. thanks God! :)
ujian juga berhasil dilewati.pengawasnya ga nyadar foto ksm gw ma felis sama.lagian muka gw ma foto jg beda,untuung dia ga perhatiin.hehehe
at the end,it was all grreaattt!again,thx God.
n that's why i call this day a 'wow' first i could'nt expect anything good.mood ga enak abis ngomel2 td pagi,dompet ketinggalan,takut visa ga ditrima lagi,takut ujian ga keburu,tapi tnyata semuanya turned out to be great.n it must have been God who did it.
just like wat i've learned from today's devotion.dari New Day New You nya Joyce tulisin aja deh ya.

~What the devil means for harm,God will use for good
As for u, u thought evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring about that many people should be kept alive, as they are this day. -Gen 50:20
After Joseph had risen to be second in command of all Egypt under Pharaoh, his brothers, who had sold him into slavery,came to egypt to buy grain during the famine joseph had predicted to come. later,joseph arranged for his father,jacob,his brothers and all of their families to move to egypt to live out the rest of the famine in peace and prosperity. when their father jacob died,joseph's brother's were afraid that joseph would take vengeance on them for what they had done to him in his youth. here in this verse we see joseph's assurance to them of his forgiveness of their wrongdoing towards him. actually we see his good attitude being displayed.notice what he tells them: 'you meant it for evil,but God meant it for good,to save many people from starvation'
it is amazing how many times satan will set a trap for us,meaning it for our harm and destruction.but when God gets involved,He takes that thing satan meant to use to destroy us and turns it so that it actually works for our good instead.
my mess has become my message,my misery has become my ministry,and i'm using the experience i gained from my pain to help multitudes of others who are hurting.i encourage u not to waste ur pain.God will use it if u give it to Him.~

yup.that's wat i've learned.dan sayangnya gw baru baca itu setelah semuanya beres.udah keburu panik duluan deh tadi.klo gw baca dulu mgkn gw jd lebih tenang.hoho
anyway,eventhough i'm still a bit wondering knapa kok kejadiannya begini.msti bolak balik ke embassy lah,dompet ketinggalan,berantem,dll.tapi gw prcaya it's all for my own good sake.hoho
so,again,thanks God! :)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

lazy saturday

hari ini gw mncapai rekor bangun siang minggu bangun jem stngah2an!ckckck haha..kapan lagi bs bangun siang ky gini..minggu dpn udah mule kuliah,lgsg ujian,msti bangun pagi mulu lg.. huahh
hmm..kmaren gw makan di pancious sama anak2 pesen coco pancious sama minum homemade lemon tea. coco pancious itu pancake pake vanila ice cream sama saos coklat.hmm gw si krg suka yah.enak si coklatnya brasa bgt,tapi lama2 enek.menyesal gw pesen double.tau gtu pesen single aj.tapi lmyan dibantuin jeje ngabisin,walopun ga abis jg akirnya.hehe trus nyobain mknan si jeje jg,fetucinni cream cajun beef klo ga salah.agak asin si,but i like it better than mine.hoho penne mushroomnya jg lumayan.hoho kesimpulannya, laen kli klo ke resto pancake,mending pesen pastanya aja deh.hoho
anyway,sampe saat ini gw masi blom nyentuh tugas2 gw.kacau yah..udah gw bikin list si apa aja yg msti dikerjain,tp mpe skrg blom kekumpul semua niatnya.haha kayanya klo blom deket ma deadline tu ga afdol klo ngerjain tgs.hehe lazy me.. stghnya td bangun tidur,krn emang ga bs kmana2 hr ini,udah smpt smangat tuh bikin tugas.udah plan,abis devotion mau masak macaroni ato apa gt buat makan siang,trus abis itu mandi,trus bikin pas kluar kamar tnyata cici gw udah bikin dadar sama gorengin nugget.yasud makan siang pk itu aja.macaroninya masaknya nanti aj.hehe trus abis itu nonton bntar smbil cek email fb fs.niatnya abis ini mau bikin tgs ni.tapi skrg kok jadi males lg yahh..
huahh yasud ah..masak dulu kali yah.sapa tau abis itu smangat bikin tugas.hoho :)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

in the still of the night

udah jem 10 lewat,tapi gw blom mule2 buat tugas.pdhl uda di dpn laptop dr jem 6 kurang.huahh lagi ga ada niat nih buat bikin tugas,kpala agak2 pusing lagi.haduhh tapi klo ga buat tgs skrg bsk2 takutnya ga smpet.gmana dong.. :(

anyway i've spent these 2 days of holiday doing food hunting.yay!haha asik jg yah.soalnya jarang2 gw pegi2 cuma buat nyari makan.haha kmaren ke parlour pancake di karawaci,trus malemnya ke bebek goreng surabaya di bsd,trus hr ini tadinya mau ke iga bakar karebosi di gading (udah ngidam dr kmaren :) ), eh taunya dy ga buka hari ini.jd tadi nyoba konro manunnu (klo ga salah namanya itu d)hoho.

~parlour pancake~
maren nyobain:
-potato ... (duh lupa nama menunya apa)
kentang bulet kecil2 pake smoked beef,spices,cream,n cheese.yum!
-choco cheese pancake
pancake pake vanila ice cream,keju,coklat
-chicken fetucinni
fettucini pake jamur,plus ada ayam yg dalemnya ada isinya.
it was all nice.i like it all.trus enaknya duduk di luar,ada lampu2,trus lagi ujan.hoho coba pake lagu jazz jadi makin enak deh.hehe tapi akirnya kita cabut dr situ klo ga tar lama2 masuk angin.hehehe
~bebek goreng surabaya~
makan bebek goreng super sama nasi putih,kangkung,sama ati,sama lalap.lumayan enak.disitu nasi sama tehnya free flow,jadi pasti kenyang deh.hoho tapi atinya kecil bgt,ngeledek gtu,skali suap lgsg abis.ckckck but over all lumayan lah,lagi laper.hehe
~iga bakar manunnu~
lumayah enak.cukup memuaskan keinginan makan konro gw.haha tapi i prefer karebosi than this.klo karebosi kynya lebih spicy gmana gtu :)

yum.slurp2.jadi pgn makan lagi.haha makaan muluu..udah nambah kalori mulu tp ga olahraga2.hohoho msti mule diet nih. :)
hohoho udah dulu deh,masi harus nyari ide buat konsep nih.God,i need some idea pleasee..huhuhu
kynya malem ini tidur malem lagi nihh..