Just wanna write down my notes. Sermon by ps jose.
*what needs to be done daily, should be done daily.
3 kali sehari makan 1 porsi makanan ga sama dengan 1 kali makan 3 porsi, walopun jumlahnya sama.
Rutinitas itu tidak selalu negatif. Rutin = rajin/teratur.
What needs to be done daily: bible reading, praying, devotion, forgiving others and ourselves, ...
*building character needs daily discipline.
Action/event -> habit -> character.
Habit: repeated events.
"It could take only one day for God to change ur situation. But it takes every day to change you."
Tuhan tdk dtgkan apa yg kita minta sekaligus, karena Dia mau membentuk kita.
God's mercy is always new every morning.
*beauty comes from daily simple things.
*Two things needed in life: strength and durability
If u want to be trusted, u hv to plant the seeds of trust.
Giving trust: bagian dr org yg mau dipercaya. Having faith: bagian dr org yg mau percaya.
God trusted us new blessings, favor and mercy everyday, so we can learn to have faith in Him.
Miracle could be a door to solve ur problems, but u still need to change ur habits in order to be free from ur problems.