Wednesday, September 30, 2009

blogwalking (again) ;p

Did some blogwalking to refresh my mind while doing the thesis, and found these:

The Madrona Residence by Vandeventer + Carlander
love the design and how the house blends with the nature/environment. likes it :)
to see more images, see Contemporist

Koerner Hall by KPMB Architects
see the use of wood on the ceiling. cool :)
from Contemporist

Crop Collection Shelves by Nacho Carbonell

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

smile and be happy!

ahh akhirnya lampu nyala jg. dr td pagi sbnrnya udah stand by dpn kompie, mau ngetik skripsi tiba2 mati lampu. ckck ada apa dgn pln. jadi sering mati lampu gini.
so, drpd ga jelas mo ngapain, gw bikin agar2 oreo, abis itu lanjut baca buku joel osteen yg become a better you. these are some things i learn from the book today.
* a smile is an act of faith. when you smile, you're sending a message to your whole body, announcing that everything is going to be all right. if you will develop this positive attitude of faith, you will sow a seed for God to work in your life.
*dont magnify your problem; magnify God.
*happiness doesn't depend on your circumstances.. it's a choice you make.

so, smile and be happy at all times! :)
gonna work back on my skripsi. smangats!! :) ;) ;)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

lovin' these

sunday nite post :)

ola :) glad to be back to the world of blogging.ehehe rasanya lagi pengen nulis hr ini :)
hmm the holiday is officially finished today. besok kembali ke dunia nyata. welcome back skripsi. kangen jg deh sama skripsi.hehe sminggu kmaren ini bener2 ga nyentuh skripsi sama skali. buka filenya pun ngga.ehehe abisnya, kyny ga rela gt, pas orang2 lagi pada libur semua, masa gw di rumah ngetik skripsi? mau ngerjain jg ga konsen jadinya.jadi daripada setengah2, mending ga usah sama skali kan. (*alesannn.ehehe) so i'm making the most out of my holiday. leyeh2, jalan2, baca, food experimenting, etc. oya, liburan kali ini gw brasa lumayan sehat. kmrenan itu sempet lari pagi di senayan.hebat kn, blum prnah tuh gw niat2in bangun jm stengah 5an cuma buat lari pagi.ckck haha tapi lumayan sih, lari muterin gelora bung karno brapa lap gt, walopun 2 lap trakhir akhirnya cuma jalan n ngobrol.ehehe ;p tp besokannya brasa banget,badannya mau rontok.trutama kaki tuh, jalan aja jd ky nenek2.hehe
lalu lalu,kmaren ini jg niat2in ikut 3 kelas gym di ff. body combat, body jam, sama body balance. walopun cape tapi seneng deh rasanya.brasa sehat.ehehe besokannya, satu badan full sakit smua. sampe hr ini jg masi sakit. td pagi megang hairdryer aja pegel minta ampun.hihi
oya hr ini dpt message bagus. ttg ~increasing your value~ here are some things i've got from the sermon:
*ada dua nilai/value : (1) nilai intrinsik - siapa kita di dalam Tuhan. ini tuh udah pasti. nothing we can do to add/reduce our value, not with our good deeds/sins either. (2) nilai ekstrinsik - nilai yang kita tambahkan sendiri pada diri kita. nilai ini yang mencerminkan siapa kita di mata orang. semakin tinggi nilai ekstrinsik kita, semakin tinggi keingintahuan orang ttg nilai intrinsik kita.
*this is a question we need to remind ourselves each day: are you adding value to others?
*how to add value:
(1) aqcuire value/mengejar nilai. banyak belajar. when you stop learning, you stop growing. when you stop growing, you stop leading.
(2) befriend people of values. temenan sama org hebat ga langsung bikin kita sama jg ky mereka, tp membuat kita semakin termotivasi untuk jd orang hebat jg. so by surrounding yourself with people of values, you're making a condusive environment for yourself to grow your own value. ini jg berlaku sebaliknya, klo org2 di sekitar yg ada malah mengurangi value kita, reconsider those relationships.
(3) menerapkan nilai/value tsb - make the value fruitful.
*problem solver = orang yg punya nilai/value dan tau cara melakukannya.

yah, seneng jd blajar sesuatu lagi hari ini. jadi semangat spy bs jadi a person of value. still learning though :)
i'm gonna end this post with this quotes:
Real success requires respect for and faithfulness to the highest human values--honesty, integrity, self-discipline, dignity, compassion, humility, courage, personal responsibility, courtesy, and human service. ~Michael DeBakey, M.D. (in Success Secrets of Super Achievers by Stovall)

Talents, like intelligence, are value neutral. If you want to change your life so that others may benefit from your strengths, change your values. Don't waste time trying to change your talents. ~Marcus Buckingham & Donald O. Clifton (Now, Discover Your Talents)
♥ ♥ ♥

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

another food experiment :)

this is : wortel-tofu rijst met Provençaalse kruiden :)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

what i've made for dinner tonite :) ;)

malem ini smangat masaknya lagi tinggi.ehehe instead of having opor telor for dinner (yg dimasakin pembantu td pagi), kok kyny pgn makan something bikinan sendiri i decided to make pasta (again.hehe), but this time i use penne. never cooked a penne dish before. biasanya bikin spaghetti. so i'm so excited. sblum itu ngumpulin bahan2 yang ada yg kira2 bisa dicampur2 buat masak kali ini, n nemu satu bumbu yang blom pernah gw coba pake pas masak. namanya Provençaalse kruiden. jd ky campuran spices/rempah-rempah ky oregano, basil, seledri, daun thyme, dsb termasuk jg bunga lavender. kerenn kann, pake bunga segala.hehe klo ga salah ini dibawain sama tante gw wktu dtg dr belanda. hmm, jadi smangat masaknya tadi.hehe and here is the result. yay :)
i call this: Garnalen Penne Rigate met Provençaalse kruiden.. keren yah namanya. hehe artinya penne rigate pake udang n bumbu provencal :)
rasanya lumayan.. cici gw nyobain jg ktny enak.hehe seneng deh :) selain itu, ada wangi2 gitu krn bumbu provencalnya, jadi rasanya agak beda.hehe
tapi, ternyata klo makan penne lebih cepet kenyang yah kyny klo dibanding makan spaghetti. ga tau sugesti apa emang bener penne bikin lebih kenyang.hehe
anyway, kesimpulannya: food experiment 002 berhasil! yay :)
looking forward to the next food experiment. next time bikin apa yah..hmm

Thursday, September 17, 2009

thursday morning lesson

just want to write some things i'm learning ^^
*when u know how much your value is, you will be different. you'll treat yourself differently, you'll speak differently, you'll live differently. it is your responsibility to take good care of yourself. jadi ky misalnya kita punya barang yang mahalll banget, kita akan pake barang tersebut dgn sangat hati2, dan berusaha untuk terus jaga supaya barang tsb ga rusak dan tetep sama sperti waktu pertama kita beli. gitu jg dgn hidup kita, klo kita tau hidup kita bernilai, kita pasti bakal jaga diri kita sndiri, make the most of our life, jaga apa yang masuk dan kluar dari pikiran kita, dan sebagainya. oiya, jaga apa yang masuk dalem perut juga, hehe :) ;) hidup berkualitas..
*our value comes not from what people think or said about us, but it is from our relationship with God and what God has said about us. God said we are special in His eyes :)
*try not to become a person of success, but rather a person of value. ~albert einstein
*make the most of whatever you have right now.
cause it will not come back. contohnya skrg, klo dipikir, masa2 gw bikin skripsi, masa2 tiap hari udah ky hari libur (krn kewajiban gw skrg ke kampus ya cuma klo musti ketemu dosen pembimbing n ke perpus, jadi tiap hari terserah gw mau ngapain aja), masa2 blom kerja, dsb nanti pasti udah ga bakal gw alamin lagi. taro lah taon depan, gw udah kerja kantoran kali.liburnya udah terbatas,ga sebanyak klo kuliah.hehe yah jadi intinya, gw mau blajar menikmati apapun yang lagi gw hadapin skrg. try to relax and enjoy every bit of it. walopun kadang pusing2 sendiri gara2 skripsi n tugas akhir ini, i'm grateful for all of it. udah dikasi kesempatan juga buat kuliah design, i should have been grateful. thanks God :) :)

so, dont waste your time, talent, energy, and everything you have now. make the most out of it. smangat joii! \(^^,)/

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

what i found today

Romeo & Juliet Bench by Vyvey & Partners
~from Contemporist

Floor/Pendant Lamp

Baton Chair
The Motley III Collection by Samuel Chan for Channels
~from Contemporist

SEE Shelving by Magaru
~from MoCo LoCo

Mensa Table Collection by Lazerian
~from MoCo LoCo

mood mood where art thou??

gile hari ini malesnya minta ampun.pdhl dari pagi udah bikin list mau ngapain aja.ngetik bab 2 bab 3, rapihin data survey, benerin kata pengantar, dan seterusnya.tapiii,, sampe skrg mau mulai tuh susahnyaaa minta ampun.uahh mengapa oh mengapa begini yah.. pagi2 gw semangat, begitu siangan jadi ilang semangatnya *sigh
knapa badan susah sih ngikutin maunya kepala?mau diet, jadinya makannya banyak. mau hemat, jadinya boros. mau semangat, jadinya males. mau ngerjain tugas, jadinya ga ngerjain tugas. huff Tuhan tolong akuu :(
anyway,hari ini gw nemu satu web yang cukup okeh buat bikin online portfolio. namanya carbonmade. disini kita bisa tampilin gambar lebih gede, dibanding klo pake coroflot atau yang lain2. n tampilannya kyny lebih bagus deh klo disini. so i made one for myself tadi. walopun gambar yang gw upload baru satu (critanya mau bener2in n bagus2in dulu yang lain ^^ ), tp gw jadi semangat bikin portfolio.hehe lumayan buat masa depan nanti :) ;) jadi ntar portfolio yg di multiply n coroflot mau gw buang kyny.hoho
btw knapa yah, kok gw tiap kali ngapa2in dpn komputer bawaannya pengen mencet ctrl+s mulu? ckckck gawat..
hmm kangen nikki.. butuh sesuatu buat diuyel2..hiks klo lg bosen gini kn lumayan klo bs main sama anjing.mau main hamster jg udah pada ga ada..hmm main apa yahh..
huff.. semoga moodnya cepet datang dehh.. biar bisa mulai semangat ngetik skripsi lagi.

tick tock ~wooden clock


Saturday, September 12, 2009

random things in my head

ola :)
spent my saturday babysitting my niece.sayang hari kini kurang berhasil, ga bs bikin dia tidur. walopun udah ngantuk, tp tetep aja ga mau tidur tu anak.hehe but anyway td jd nemenin main, nonton dora, elmo, mickey's clubhouse, etc. dan gw jd suka elmo. lucu yah elmo. kok gw telat bgt ya br skrg suka elmo.dulu2 kemana ajaa..hehe :D
anw skrg critanya mau mulai lanjutin ngetik skripsi lagi. tp lg ngumpulin semangat nih.duh pusing deh milih2 mana aja yang mau dimasukin buat skripsi. kebanyakan salah, kedikitan salah. dan otak klo blom ON tuh rasanya ky masi blom nyambung, jadi bingung sendiri. mana tu data2 ttg global warming banyakan bahasa inggris gitu, yang spasinya deket2, bacanya males deh.. huff.. need some spirit boost.. semangat joii!
rasanya pengen mencet tombol snooze biar bs ga usa ngerjain ni skripsi. ato ga tombol fast forward langsung januari beres sidang.hoho paling ga, sampe mulai bikin konsep desain deh. abis brasanya bab-bab awal ini kok ky ga gitu penting yah, data2, survey dsb itu. pgn cpt beres deh. pengen cepet wisuda.. pengen cepet kerja..haha *menghayal* ;p
btw it's already september! cepet yah. kmrn ngerayain ultahnya ryan, my first nephew. udah 8 tahun dia skrg umurnya. cepet yah. bener2 ga brasa. perasaan baru kmarenan gw mangkuin dia sambil ngasi minum susu sampe dia ketiduran. skrg udah segede gini, udah pinter ngomong, udah bisa kirim2 message di petsociety facebook. haha time is running fast :)
oiya anyway, kmarenan nemu satu booth yg jual kertas kado, kertas tissue, pita2 dsb yang bagus dan mayan murah, dibanding klo beli di gramedia dsb gt. namanya bagoes*bagoes klo ga salah inget. seneng deh. rasanya jd pengen ngelupain skripsi n bikin2 crafts.hehe
hmm apalagi yah.sekian dulu deh my babbling post hari ini,sebelom smakin ga jelas.hehe
some quotes to be remembered:
I try to avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward. ~charlotte bronte

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. ~aristotle

Whatever you do, don't do it halfway. ~bob beamon
smangats! :)

koepoe*koepoe (butterfly)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Suffering (pressure) helps us to endure. Endurance builds character, character gives us hope. ~Rm 5:3-4
It is in those hard, trying times that the Lord is building in us the patience, endurance and character that will eventually produce the habit of joyful and confident hope.
~Joyce Meyer’s New Day, New You devotion (9 Sept)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Airstream Penthouse Trailer

Goldilocks and the 3 Bears trailer by Mark and Joe Stead
~from the Grand Daddy

vintage art

~from @home via decor8

Friday, September 4, 2009

Cute Little Handmade Wool Felt Deco Mobiles

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hailing the Chief

By John Duck Worth

The president sat at his desk in the Oval Office, waiting … even though there was a stack of letters to sign, a cable to read, a press conference to prepare for, a briefing with the Cabinet to attend and a tea for an ambassador in the Rose Garden.

Looking up from his schedule, he smiled. Yes, there was al lot to do. But first some people were coming – some very important people.

At least he thought they were very important. That was why he kept inviting them to the Oval Office for a talk

“Mr. President,” said a voice on the intercom. “They’re here, sir.”

“Ah,” he said. “Send the first on in, please.” He leaned forward on the edge of his chair, waiting.

The door opened, and a blond cheerleader ushered herself into the room. Without acknowledging the president’s smile or outstretched hand, she plopped down in a chair and chewed a big wad of bubble gum. Then she shut her eyes tight and blew a bubble.


“Like, Mr. President, your honor,” she said in a squeaky, singsong vice. “Thank you for the world so sweet, thank you for the food we eat, thank you for the birds that sing, thank you, sir, for everything. RAH, RAH, RAH … go, team, go!”

Before the president could say a word, the girl opened her eyes, hopped up and bounced out the door.

He sighed. Why did it always seem to go like this? He pushed the intercom button. “Next, please,” he said.

The door opened, and in came a handsome young man dressed in his Sunday best. Again the president’s hand was ignored.

“O thou Chief Executive who art in the White House,” said the boy, clasping his hands and looking at the ceiling. “O thou in whom so much doth constitutionally dwell, upon whose desk hath been placed a most effective blotter, incline thine ear toward thy most humble citizen and grant that thy many entities may be manifoldly endowed upon fruitful plain.”

Wincing, the president closed his eyes and rubbed his temples.

“And may thou dost harkeneth whatly didst shalt evermore in twain asunder,” the boy concluded in a loud monotone.

“Excuse me,” said the president, “but … what?”

“Goodbye,” said the young man, seeming not to hear, and walked out.

The president sighed again. “Next, please,” he spoke into the intercom.

This time when the door opened, there seemed to be no one there. Then the president looked down and saw a quivering teenager crawling through the doorway on is hands and knees. The boy’s horn-rimmed glasses started to steam up, and a dozen pencils spilled from his shirt pocket.

“Oh, Mr. G-Great and Aweful P-President,” blubbered the young man, not looking up from the carpet. He scrambled to retrieve his writing instruments. “I am but a disgusting piece of filth in your presence. No, I am less than that! How dare I think that you would do anything but grind me into the floor?”

“Please get up,” said the president, offering his hand. “You don’t have to do that. I want to talk with you.”

But the kid went right on groveling. “I deserve only to be squashed under the weight of your mighty desk,” he whined. “I could never have gotten the invitation to talk with you. It must have been a mistake. How can you ever forgive me for breaking like this? Oh, I’m so sorry, so sorry, so sorry….” Still on his hands and knees, he crawled out.

The boy’s groaning faded down the hall. The president shook his head, then slowly pushed the intercom button. “Next,” he said, soundling tired.

In moments, a surfer dressed in neon yellow and a pink tank top entered. He had headphones strapped to his ears and was bobbing up and down to his favorite tunes.

“Yo, Prez,” the young man said, ignoring the offered hand. “What’s up?” He looked out the window. “Nice place you’ve got here. I’m, like, so glad we could rap like this, you know? You’re not bad for an old dude, I guess. Hey, you don’t bother me, I won’t bother you, okay? Well, gotta go. Hang in there.” He walked out.

The president drummed his fingers in his desk. “Next, please,” he said wearily.

A young football player strutted in – completely decked out in his uniform. He, too, ignored the president’s greeting. “Mr. President,” he declared, folding his arms across his chest. “There’s this totally awesome chick I met last week at Biff’s Burgers, and I wanna ask her out. But I think she needs a little ‘Chief Executive persuasion.’ Know what I mean? You can see to it that she doesn’t say no. Now, this is important!”

The president cleared his throat politely. “Speaking of important,” he ventured, “how do you feel about my program to feed the hungry? Would you like to have a part in-“

“And another thing!” the football player continued. “I lost my mouthpiece. Can’t remember where I put it. Now, you find it for me, will you? Got to have it before the big game on Saturday. I know you can do it. Later.”

With that the athlete got up and marched out the door.

The president slumped in his chair. “Next,” he said.

There was a pause. At last a young woman entered slowly. She looked like a sleepwalker – eyes nearly shut, jaw slack, her feet dragging. She yawned and slid into a chair. “Dear Mr…. President…,” she said, her head dropping. “I know I should talk to you when I’m more… awake… but I’ve got so many things to do…. So… sleepy… There was something I was going to say…. What… was… it? I was going to say… uh…” She started to snore.

The president buzzed his secretary, who stepped in. “Could you help this young lady out? He asked, sighing again.

“Certainly, Mr. President.” The secretary helped the dozing girl to her feet.

The president gazed sadly out the window. “How many do we have left?” he asked.

“I’m sorry, sir,” the secretary said. “But as usual, most of the people you sent invitations to said they were too busy to talk. They had to watch TV, go shopping, do homework….”

“Oh,” said the president, dejected. “Isn’t anyone out there?”

“There is one, sir,” she said. “But you wouldn’t want to talk with him.”

“Why not?”

“Because he’s – just a child, Mr. President.”

The chief executive shrugged. “May as well show him in.”

Moments later a little boy entered shyly. He looked around the room, his eyes wide. “Are… you really the president?”

The president smiled. “I really am,” he answered, offering his hand.

The little boy reached up and shook it. Then he sat down, folded his hands in his lap and waited.

The president watched, amazed, as the boy sat politely for nearly a minute. “Isn’t there something you want to tell me?” the president asked finally. “Something you have to recite, or ask for, or say?”

The little boy looked down for a moment, thinking. Then he looked up. “Yes,” he said. “I guess there is.”

“Well, what was it?” the president asked.

“Thank you for inviting me,” the boy said. “That’s all.”

When the president heard that, he couldn’t seem to say anything for a while all he could do was smile.

But then they talked and talked for the longest, most wonderful time.^^

always love this story from an article in Brio magazine. just have it read again from my old blog :)

craving for crafts

just realize how easily i get distracted from doing what i supposed to do. dr yg tadinya mau nyari data ttg sustainable design n environment, akhirnya malah jadi blogwalking liat2 green/recycled craft dan sebagainya.aduh aduh aduhh..
tp abis ngeliat2 gini rasanya jd pengen bikin2 craft lagi.i would choose to make crafts rather than doing my thesis now.haha hiyaahh why am i struggling so hard ya, pdhl baru mulai ngerjain bab 2, still a lot to go.. huff semangat joiii! do ur best!

*bab 2 aku kembali.smangat!*


12 eggscellent things you can do with eggshells

Take a crack at these eggshell reuses:
  1. Less bitter coffee
    Add an eggshell to the coffee in the filter, and your morning coffee will be less bitter. The spent coffee grounds, eggshell, and biodegradable paper filter are then conveniently ready for the compost pile.
  2. Natural drain cleaner
    Keep a couple of crushed eggshells in your kitchen sink strainer at all times. They trap additional solids, and they gradually break up and help to naturally clean your pipes on their way down the drain.
  3. Nontoxic pest control in the garden
    Scatter crushed eggshell around your plants and flowers to help deter plant-eating slugs, snails, and cutworms without using eco-unfriendly pesticides. Also, deer hate the smell of eggs, so scattering eggshells around the flowerbed will help keep Bambi away from your begonias.
  4. Egg on your face
    Pulverize dried egg shells with a mortar and pestle, then whisk the powder in with an egg white and use for a healthful, skin-tightening facial. Allow the face mask to dry before rinsing it off.
  5. Eco-friendly household abrasive
    Shake up crushed eggshells and a little soapy water to scour hard-to-clean items like thermoses and vases. Crushed eggshells can also be used as a nontoxic abrasive on pots and pans.
  6. Eggy, crafty projects
    "Blow out" the inside of a raw egg, and paint/decorate the hollow shell to make your own Faberge eggs or other craft projects. Pieces of egg shell (plain or dyed) can also be used in mosaic art projects.
  7. Clever Jell-O and chocolate molds
    Carefully fill "blown out" eggshells (see above) with gelatin or chocolate to make unique egg-shaped treats. Peel away the eggshell mold before serving, or serve as is and let your guests discover the surprise inside.
  8. Treat skin irritations
    Dissolve an eggshell in a small jar of apple cider vinegar (takes about two days) and use the mixture to treat minor skin irritations and itchy skin.
  9. Compost for naturally fertilized soil
    Eggshells quickly decompose in the compost pile and add valuable calcium and other minerals to the soil in the process.
  10. Membrane home remedies
    The super-thin membrane inside the eggshell has long been used as a home remedy for a wide range of ailments, from healing cuts to treating ingrown toenails.
  11. Splendid seedling starters
    Fill biodegradable eggshell halves with potting soil instead of using peat pots to start seedlings for the garden. And an egg carton on the windowsill is the perfect way to start a dozen tomato seedlings in shells before transplanting to the garden in the spring.
  12. The fuel of tomorrow?
    Just when your brain was totally fried by all my ingenious reuses for eggshells, researchers at Ohio State University recently discovered that eggshells might be the key to producing affordable hydrogen fuel. I've heard of walking on eggshells, but maybe some day we'll be driving on them too.
~from thedailygreen

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It takes faith

Favor is available to us but, like many other good things in life, just because of something is available to us does not mean that we will ever partake it. The Lord makes many things available to us that we never receive and enjoy because we never activate our faith in that area.
So, it takes faith.
~Joyce Meyer, New Day New You (Sept 1)

quote of the day

One touch of God's favor can take you from barely enough to more than enough to do what he wants you to do. ~Joel Osteen