Saturday, August 21, 2010

Finding PeMi (Peace of Mind) ;p

Just enjoying my saturday night by resting on my bed. Tdnya mau tidur, badan cape bgt hr ini abis kerja bakti di kantor, tp ga bisa tidur2. Jdnya leyeh2 sambil baca koran deh. Udah lamaaa bgt kyny ga baca koran. Hihi
And I found this article by the career coach Rene Suhardono. Judulnya: Be Mindful with Ur Mind. Dan ternyata pas sama apa yg smpt kepikiran in my mind bbrp hari ini.
Lately I was so busy, so overloaded with work. I'm handling some residential projects (one self project, one sharing project, and one follow up project - yg harusnya uda bs dikelarin tp blom kelar2. Grrr). Dan kadang2, tanpa disadarin klo lg hectic tuh ya, rasanya semua project itu ngejer2 gw. Semuanya minta cpt diberesin, cepet di follow up, cepet digambar, cepet dikerjain, dsb. Blom klo ada masalah di lapangan. Detail ini ga bs lah, salah pasang lah, kerjaannya ga maju2 lah, dsb. Klo udah gitu rasanya pengen kabur aja. Pengen tidur n ngarep bangun2 tu project udah jadi semua n bagus, klien seneng, bos seneng, semua seneng. Hehe tp yah mo gimana lagi, klo lg hectic gt kan ga bs kabur gt aja, dan tetep harus bs beresin kerjaannya. N I don't know why, klo udah pusing dan stress dan overloaded gt, bawaannya malah jd males n ga semangat kerja ;p
But this week I've been reminded of this verse again: "Be STILL, and know that I am God." Kadang di tengah ke-hectic-an itu, kita butuh utk bs nenangin diri, finding peace in ourselves. Be still itu bukan maksudnya jadi diemin diri n ga melakukan apa2. But it means we have peace in our mind, won't let those obstacles n problems n worries take control of our mind, and trust God, that He holds our life completely in His hands. When u are still, God will tell u what's the best thing to do to solve ur problems, how to do it, etc. So u don't let those problems and worries overload ur mind, but u're letting God to take control of u. Cause letting ur mind be filled with those troubles and worries won't help u at all. So, now I'm learning to find peace in the middle of a storm :) it's not easy, and I'm still learning ;p
Anw, in the article I read this evening, Rene mentioned some that I found encouraging:
* Be mindful with ur mind. Pikiran itu ky kutu loncat, pindah dr 1 topik ke hal lain. Hilang kontrol atas pikiran sama aja dgn biarin diri dikuasain sama si kutu loncat.
* No one ever injured his eyesight by looking at the brightside.
* We may not live in the best of times, but we can live the best of time.
So, I'm learning to let go of this 'kutu loncat' n just let the good God control my mind and heart. Hope we all will learn the same :)

Friday, August 13, 2010

One quote I've got today

"You don't dance in front of ur client, you dance with them."

Thursday, August 12, 2010

lessons in these few months

Feeling grateful for everything. And somehow I just want to write down and share my gratefulness :) Thank God for putting me in my workplace at present. Sometimes I'm just amazed when I realize I'm working here. With every challenges that sometimes trying to put me down and sometimes making me excited, with every ups and downs, I thank You Lord for making me what I am today. Since I worked I learned:
1. How to deal with people. With boss, colleages, clients, suppliers, contractors, site workers. Everyone. Me, someone who used to be not really into people, now I'm brave enough to face and learn how to deal with people. How to talk with people. Yea there are times, even til now sometimes I feel so stupid for things I did or said, but hey, life is to be lived and learned. People do mistakes and the wise are the ones who learned from those and try to do her best not to repeat it again :)
2. Learn how to deal and handle lots of things. And also learn how to prioritize things, which ones are more important, which ones are not. And by that, I learn to make steps on what should I do to finish all the tasks needed to be done. Before this time, I used to be confused when things just seems like so much and unbearable to be handled by myself. I'm not really a person who can concentrate on lots of things. I used to finish my work step by step, finishing this then continue with that, and so on. But now I learn to handle things better, cause sometimes some things are important at the same time. So I should learn to be efficient in using my time.
3. I learned to see the future in a positive way. Sometimes things just went not right and makes me down. And sometimes it feels like quitting. Especially when it's me myself who did the mistake. But it teaches me not to be irresponsible. To think fast to solve the problem, not to run from it. And just having faith that everything's gonna be alright, that at the end I will see these process along the way and see the result of what I've been doing, and will be grateful for all of it. And mostly, I'm learning to trust God, that He let things happen for a reason. He's a good God, and I'm sure that everything will be beautiful at the end, cause He holds it all in His hands :)

What else yah. I felt like I have learned a lot since the day I started to work here. I guess I'm to sleepy now to think about it. All I'm saying is: Thank You Lord for everything :)

To make you feel my love - Kris Allen

When the rain is blowing in your face
And the whole world is on your case
I would offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love

When the evening shadows and the stars appear
And there is no one to dry your tears
I could hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love

I know you haven't made your mind up yet
But I would never do you wrong
I've known it from the moment that we met
No doubt in my mind where you belong

I'd go hungry, I'd go blind for you
I'd go crawling down the aisle for you
There ain't nothing that I wouldn't do
To make you feel my love

The storms are raging on a rolling sea
Down the highway of regret
The winds of change are blowing wild and free
But you ain't seen nothing like me yet

There ain't nothing that I wouldn't do
Go to the ends of the earth for you
Make you happy, make your dreams come true
To make you feel my love

*currently in love with this song. Especially with Kris Allen's voice :)