Friday, November 27, 2009

concrete cloth

found one new innovative material for interior/architecture via dezeen. it's concrete cloth by concrete canvas. and it's sustainable too, i guess. the material consists of cement layered between fabric that can bond with water, backed with PVC. it can be formed into the required shape then allowed to absorb water, causing it to set after two hours.
jadi intinya bisa bikin bentuk macem2 dengan cara yang gampang, cepet, dan ramah lingkungan. kerenn :)

anw, this is the list of things i need to finish before my final judgement (next january 2010).
dan di evaluasi 3 yg jadwalnya awal desember nanti, semua yg di tabel pertama (gambar kerja) diharapkan udah selesai, plus konsep desain per ruang terpilih yang dibikin di A1. jeng jeng jengggg..
tiap kali ngeliat daftar ini rasanya darah mengalir ke seluruh badan, dan deg2an.haha
dan saat ini gw masi berkutat dengan layout n desain. padahal eva3 tinggal semingguan lagi. yihaa

"i can do all things thru HIM who gives me strength"
ayoo semangat joii kamu bisaaaa!!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

cork material - fyi

wondering why belum banyak yang pake bahan gabus (cork) buat interior/products, and while searching the infos about cork and other green/sustainable materials for my final project, i found this article :)
Just ­about every tree has an outer layer of cork bark, but the cork oak (Quercus suber) is the primary source of most cork products in the world, including wine bottle stoppers. These trees primarily grow in countries that run along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, where there's plenty of sunshine, low rainfall and high humidity. The countries that produce the most cork include Portugal, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, France, Italy and Tunisia.

So, why does the cork oak have a thicker layer of cork bark than other trees? The tree evolved to protect itself from the harsh conditions of the forests near the Mediterranean. These forests experience frequent droughts, brush fires and temperature fluctuations. Cork is actually made of water-resistant cells that separate the outer bark from the delicate interior bark. It has a unique set of properties not found in any other naturally existing material. It is lightweight, rot resistant, fire resistant, termite resistant, impermeable to gas and liquid, soft and buoyant. It's these properties that make it ideal for stopping wine bottles and tile flooring. Let's take a look at how cork gets stripped from the tree and processed into consumer products.

* Stripping the bark -- A cork oak must be at least 25 years old before its bark can be harvested. Its cork can then be stripped every 8 to 14 years after that for as long as the tree lives. The cork is stripped off during June, July and August using a long-handled hatchet to cut sections out of the bark. These sections are then pried away from the tree. Workers must be careful not to damage the inner layer of the bark, otherwise the bark won't grow back.
* Washing the cork -- The cork slabs that are cut away from the tree are boiled and the rough outer layer of the bark is stripped away. Boiling the cork also softens it, making it easier to work with.
* Punching Bottle Stoppers -- From the slabs of cork, holes are punched out to make bottle stoppers. This leaves the slabs full of holes. These bottle stoppers are then sorted and shipped to various destinations. The stoppers can at this time be printed or branded with names or logos.
* Uses for Scrap Cork -- Once the bottle stoppers have been punched out of the cork slabs, there is some leftover cork scrap. This scrap is ground up, molded into large blocks and baked in ovens to make other cork products, such as cork tile flooring and cork message boards.

Cork has been used as bottle stoppers for more than 400 years. It is possibly the best suited material to use as a bottle stopper because it contains a natural waxy substance, called suberin. This substance makes cork impermeable to liquids and gas, and prevents the cork from rotting.

from howstuffworks. image: wikipedia.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sbab aku ini milikMu - Sari Simorangkir

Tuhan Engkau mendengar
seruan hatiku
dan keluhku tak tersembunyi bagiMu

dalam kesesakanku
kumau berdiam
dan berharap padaMu
Yesus Kau sumber kekuatanku

sbab aku ini milikMu
aku di dalam hatiMu
kasih setiaMu yang menghidupkan aku
sbab aku ini milikMu
tak kupertahankan hidupku
biar kehendakMu kerjakanlah dalamku

anugrah dan kuasaMu
mengubah hatiku
tuk selalu berserah
sepenuhnya hanya kepadaMu

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

eco-friendly art

i always love browsing the inhabitat web. banyak design/art keren yg pake bahan2 eco-friendly/recycled. klo yg ini bahan cardboard/corrugated paper (ky bahan buat kardus) yg dibuat jadi replika mobil/motor,dibuat ky ukuran aslinya.keren! bahkan sampe mesin mobilnya dibikin jg.hebat yah :)
the artist: chris gilmour

~the tenth day of november~

feels like christmas is already near. and i’m happy! :) padahal klo dipikir2,klo natal udah deket, brarti sidang akhir TA jg makin deket.hahaha *ketawa nanar* oh well, just want to enjoy the days i have now. tahun depan pasti udah beda udah ga ky gini lagi,bhkn waktu2 begadang buat bikin skripsi pun bakal ga ada lagi tahun depan, i’m gonna miss it then. so i have to enjoy it :) *skrg ngomongnya gampang,lg ga stres soalnya.ehehe*
hari ini jakarta menyenangkan. hujan rintik2,ga terlalu deras, mendung2 adem ayem, lagu di radio enak2.. ahh rasanya nyetir mobil jadi menyenangkan td. nyampe di rumah pun bawaannya pengen nyetel lagu jazz ato lagu natal.hihi :)
anw skrg masih mencari2 ide buat tugas akhir. blom bner2 kebayang mau bikin ky apa desainnya.bingung. ceritanya kn skrg disuru coba sketsa2 bagian entrance dulu. masa si dosen gw maren itu kasi ide bikin ada dinosaurus, gantung burung2an dsb di entrance gw?jadi bingung, emang gw desain rumah hijau apa desain kebun binatang yah?haha haduu bikin bingung aja tu bapak.spertinya dia blum begitu mengerti project maklum jg sih udah berumur,klo mau coba jelasin lagi dianya ky susah dibilangin.jd gw manggut2 aja deh.hoho pdhl pengennya gw,mau gabungin antara modern kontemporer sama green design, tp ya gitu deh, ms blom bener2 nemu celahnya. kyny blom 'tiiing!!!' *nyala lampunya* klo udah 'tingg!' enak tuh desainnya pasti lancar.. jadi..ahh semoga cepet ketemu deh ide briliannya :) :)
oya,nemu ini tadi di inhabitat
ini recycled paperpulp cabinet, made by debbie wijskamp. pas baca paperpulp, langsung kebayang boleh juga nih buat ini nanti klo udah slese skripsi, secara kertas bekas jadi banyak di rumah (skripsi = pemborosan kertas, ngeprint terusss) lumayan kn klo kertas itu bisa dibikin barang lain lagi (go green!!) yah,dikumpulin dulu idenya.this is a great idea i think :)
hmm another updates for today:
*semalem mimpi kim bum! tp kim bumnya ngomong bahasa belanda.aneh yaa.haha :D ;D
*hari ini udah minum air putih pake botol minum 600ml-an 5 kali. jadi klo ditotal gw udah minum 6x500ml = 3 liter! haha saya seperti onta (ato gentong yah?hihi)
*mom n dad are coming tomorrow! yay! :) :)
*devotion pagi ini: let God be God.. mgkn byk hal yg terjadi itu ga sesuai harapan kita, rasanya byk hal yg bikin pusing dsb, dan jadi beban buat kita krn kita keep on struggling to find out and solve it all by ourselves. tp dr devotion pagi in gw jadi diingetin, let God be God. Dia Tuhan yg punya hidup kita, dan surely He is far more greater than any problems/challenges we face. just give the total control to Him, trust Him, n dont worry, cause He will take a good care of our life. everything happens for a reason, n it is for our own good. so, i want to say this to myself n to everyone who read this: smangaaatt!! dont worry be happy :) :)

Monday, November 9, 2009

good habit vs bad habit

ola :)
pagi ini gw bangun susahnyaaa minta ampun.tapi akhirnya decide klo gw terus2an males2an bakal jadi buang2 waktu.yang harusnya waktunya bs dipake buat ngerjain sesuatu jadi kebuang gt aja.jadi akhirnya gw bangun, n abis bangun baru nyadar klo listriknya mati lagi *pantesan panas.hehe dan krn mati lampu ga tau mau ngapain, gw lanjut baca buku joel osteen yang udah tertinggal beberapa minggu ini ;p
this time i read the 'feed your good habits' chapter. have read it before but somehow i felt i need to read it again today. i admit that these days bawaannya tuh pengen ngeluh, males2an, ga semangat, dst, hal2 sebenernya itu bad habit. dan klo diterusin lama2 bisa jadi i need to stop doing that. *still learning.wish me luck :)
so, here are some things from the reading..
*on the inside of every person a battle is raging between two wolves. one wolf is evil. it's angry, jealous, unforgiving, proud, and lazy. the other wolf is good. it's filled with love, kindness, humility, and self-control. these two wolves are constantly fighting. and which wolf is going to win? it is whichever one you feed.
so if you keep on feeding the negative habits, then you'll see those negatives developed in your life. but if you feed the good habits, you'll see those good characters developing in your life.
*feeding good habits is like doing a work out in gym. at the first time it felt really hard, your whole body felt pain n ache, but once you get used to it, the pain is no longer hard for you to take n exercise would be something easy for you to do.
awal2nya pasti susah, tp begitu kita udah bs fight n keep on doing that, semuanya bakal jadi gampang.. so, smangat joii kamu bisa!!
*it is not so much that we break bad habits; we must replace them.
jadi klo in my case misalnya, klo stres bawaannya pengen makan muluu (jalan ke dapur/ruang makan, cari makanan, makan terus jadinya ;p), gw harus cari hal lain yg bisa dilakukan klo gw stress lagi. hmm blom kepikiran sih.. apa yahhh..hoho

well, those are some lessons to learn again. wish me luck ;p

Friday, November 6, 2009

ngidam di tengah malam

begini nih klo stress.bawaannya pengen makan mulu ;p

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Do It Anyway

People are often unreasonable, illogical,
and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, People may accuse you
of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some
false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank,
people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone
could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness,
they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today,
people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have,
and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis,
it is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway

written by Mother Theresa

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

another test

iseng2 ngisi test psikologi situasi di fb :)

Dear Carol Joy Rondeel, berikut ini adalah hasil Test psikologi situasi kamu:

* kamu orang yang suka sharing
* kamu agak pemilih soal teman dan hanya berteman dengan mereka yang selevel dengan kamu
* apa yang kamu inginkan dalam hidupmu cuma setengah terpenuhi
* kamu lemah dalam hidup ini dan cenderung rapuh
* kamu memiliki gairah seks tinggi
* kamu punya banyak teman baik
* hubungan terakhir kamu baik dan masih hangat dalam memorimu
* ketika pasanganmu di dekat kamu, kamu akan melirik yang lain
* ketika pasangan kamu tidak ada, kamu masih memikirkan dia dan akan tetap setia padanya, tidak melirik yang lain
* ego kamu rata-rata
* kepribadianmu rendah hati
* ikatan dengan tidak teman-temanmu tidak begitu kuat/sedang-sedang aja
* kamu benar-benar suka/mencintai pasanganmu
* pasanganmu type rumahan dan orang yang sederhana
* kamu akan mencari pasanganmu kapanpun kamu ketemu masalah.

resultnya agak kurang akurat sih menurut sayah.ehehe oh well, iseng2 berhadiah :)