Monday, November 9, 2009

good habit vs bad habit

ola :)
pagi ini gw bangun susahnyaaa minta ampun.tapi akhirnya decide klo gw terus2an males2an bakal jadi buang2 waktu.yang harusnya waktunya bs dipake buat ngerjain sesuatu jadi kebuang gt aja.jadi akhirnya gw bangun, n abis bangun baru nyadar klo listriknya mati lagi *pantesan panas.hehe dan krn mati lampu ga tau mau ngapain, gw lanjut baca buku joel osteen yang udah tertinggal beberapa minggu ini ;p
this time i read the 'feed your good habits' chapter. have read it before but somehow i felt i need to read it again today. i admit that these days bawaannya tuh pengen ngeluh, males2an, ga semangat, dst, hal2 sebenernya itu bad habit. dan klo diterusin lama2 bisa jadi i need to stop doing that. *still learning.wish me luck :)
so, here are some things from the reading..
*on the inside of every person a battle is raging between two wolves. one wolf is evil. it's angry, jealous, unforgiving, proud, and lazy. the other wolf is good. it's filled with love, kindness, humility, and self-control. these two wolves are constantly fighting. and which wolf is going to win? it is whichever one you feed.
so if you keep on feeding the negative habits, then you'll see those negatives developed in your life. but if you feed the good habits, you'll see those good characters developing in your life.
*feeding good habits is like doing a work out in gym. at the first time it felt really hard, your whole body felt pain n ache, but once you get used to it, the pain is no longer hard for you to take n exercise would be something easy for you to do.
awal2nya pasti susah, tp begitu kita udah bs fight n keep on doing that, semuanya bakal jadi gampang.. so, smangat joii kamu bisa!!
*it is not so much that we break bad habits; we must replace them.
jadi klo in my case misalnya, klo stres bawaannya pengen makan muluu (jalan ke dapur/ruang makan, cari makanan, makan terus jadinya ;p), gw harus cari hal lain yg bisa dilakukan klo gw stress lagi. hmm blom kepikiran sih.. apa yahhh..hoho

well, those are some lessons to learn again. wish me luck ;p