Thursday, September 17, 2009

thursday morning lesson

just want to write some things i'm learning ^^
*when u know how much your value is, you will be different. you'll treat yourself differently, you'll speak differently, you'll live differently. it is your responsibility to take good care of yourself. jadi ky misalnya kita punya barang yang mahalll banget, kita akan pake barang tersebut dgn sangat hati2, dan berusaha untuk terus jaga supaya barang tsb ga rusak dan tetep sama sperti waktu pertama kita beli. gitu jg dgn hidup kita, klo kita tau hidup kita bernilai, kita pasti bakal jaga diri kita sndiri, make the most of our life, jaga apa yang masuk dan kluar dari pikiran kita, dan sebagainya. oiya, jaga apa yang masuk dalem perut juga, hehe :) ;) hidup berkualitas..
*our value comes not from what people think or said about us, but it is from our relationship with God and what God has said about us. God said we are special in His eyes :)
*try not to become a person of success, but rather a person of value. ~albert einstein
*make the most of whatever you have right now.
cause it will not come back. contohnya skrg, klo dipikir, masa2 gw bikin skripsi, masa2 tiap hari udah ky hari libur (krn kewajiban gw skrg ke kampus ya cuma klo musti ketemu dosen pembimbing n ke perpus, jadi tiap hari terserah gw mau ngapain aja), masa2 blom kerja, dsb nanti pasti udah ga bakal gw alamin lagi. taro lah taon depan, gw udah kerja kantoran kali.liburnya udah terbatas,ga sebanyak klo kuliah.hehe yah jadi intinya, gw mau blajar menikmati apapun yang lagi gw hadapin skrg. try to relax and enjoy every bit of it. walopun kadang pusing2 sendiri gara2 skripsi n tugas akhir ini, i'm grateful for all of it. udah dikasi kesempatan juga buat kuliah design, i should have been grateful. thanks God :) :)

so, dont waste your time, talent, energy, and everything you have now. make the most out of it. smangat joii! \(^^,)/


Candela said...

Bagus bgt Joiiii!!!
And yupe, seperti yg sudah saya bilang berkali2 yah nak Joy, kuliah itu lebih enak drpd kerja. Nikmatin Joy... And I'll learn to be thank God for my job, yg begitu santai dan memungkinkan gw terus ngblog dan fesbuk-an, hahahaha^^

Hansel said...

*try not to become a person of success, but rather a person of value. ~albert einstein <-- Hansel Likes This

nice quote..

btw ganti foto make kacamata y? hahaha..

nice picture..

joie said...

@dian: ahaha iya Di, klo kerjaannya byk ntar jd jarang update fb n blog. mendingan skrg yah.hihi jd hrs tetep juga nih :) ;)
@hansel: *try not to become a person of success, but rather a person of value. ~albert einstein <-- Hansel Likes This <-- joy likes this too :D
tengkyu sel.. foto lg iseng tuh.ehehe ;p