Sunday, September 27, 2009

sunday nite post :)

ola :) glad to be back to the world of blogging.ehehe rasanya lagi pengen nulis hr ini :)
hmm the holiday is officially finished today. besok kembali ke dunia nyata. welcome back skripsi. kangen jg deh sama skripsi.hehe sminggu kmaren ini bener2 ga nyentuh skripsi sama skali. buka filenya pun ngga.ehehe abisnya, kyny ga rela gt, pas orang2 lagi pada libur semua, masa gw di rumah ngetik skripsi? mau ngerjain jg ga konsen jadinya.jadi daripada setengah2, mending ga usah sama skali kan. (*alesannn.ehehe) so i'm making the most out of my holiday. leyeh2, jalan2, baca, food experimenting, etc. oya, liburan kali ini gw brasa lumayan sehat. kmrenan itu sempet lari pagi di senayan.hebat kn, blum prnah tuh gw niat2in bangun jm stengah 5an cuma buat lari pagi.ckck haha tapi lumayan sih, lari muterin gelora bung karno brapa lap gt, walopun 2 lap trakhir akhirnya cuma jalan n ngobrol.ehehe ;p tp besokannya brasa banget,badannya mau rontok.trutama kaki tuh, jalan aja jd ky nenek2.hehe
lalu lalu,kmaren ini jg niat2in ikut 3 kelas gym di ff. body combat, body jam, sama body balance. walopun cape tapi seneng deh rasanya.brasa sehat.ehehe besokannya, satu badan full sakit smua. sampe hr ini jg masi sakit. td pagi megang hairdryer aja pegel minta ampun.hihi
oya hr ini dpt message bagus. ttg ~increasing your value~ here are some things i've got from the sermon:
*ada dua nilai/value : (1) nilai intrinsik - siapa kita di dalam Tuhan. ini tuh udah pasti. nothing we can do to add/reduce our value, not with our good deeds/sins either. (2) nilai ekstrinsik - nilai yang kita tambahkan sendiri pada diri kita. nilai ini yang mencerminkan siapa kita di mata orang. semakin tinggi nilai ekstrinsik kita, semakin tinggi keingintahuan orang ttg nilai intrinsik kita.
*this is a question we need to remind ourselves each day: are you adding value to others?
*how to add value:
(1) aqcuire value/mengejar nilai. banyak belajar. when you stop learning, you stop growing. when you stop growing, you stop leading.
(2) befriend people of values. temenan sama org hebat ga langsung bikin kita sama jg ky mereka, tp membuat kita semakin termotivasi untuk jd orang hebat jg. so by surrounding yourself with people of values, you're making a condusive environment for yourself to grow your own value. ini jg berlaku sebaliknya, klo org2 di sekitar yg ada malah mengurangi value kita, reconsider those relationships.
(3) menerapkan nilai/value tsb - make the value fruitful.
*problem solver = orang yg punya nilai/value dan tau cara melakukannya.

yah, seneng jd blajar sesuatu lagi hari ini. jadi semangat spy bs jadi a person of value. still learning though :)
i'm gonna end this post with this quotes:
Real success requires respect for and faithfulness to the highest human values--honesty, integrity, self-discipline, dignity, compassion, humility, courage, personal responsibility, courtesy, and human service. ~Michael DeBakey, M.D. (in Success Secrets of Super Achievers by Stovall)

Talents, like intelligence, are value neutral. If you want to change your life so that others may benefit from your strengths, change your values. Don't waste time trying to change your talents. ~Marcus Buckingham & Donald O. Clifton (Now, Discover Your Talents)
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