Thursday, September 1, 2011

thinking back/thinking forward

yak udah tanggal 1 september aja nih tau2nya, ga berasa. time is ticking. tahun 2011 uda tinggal sisa 4 bulan lagi. jadi mikir, resolusi taun ini gimana progressnya yah. tapi kali ini ga tau napa agak lebih serius mikirnya, jd mikirin progress kehidupan gw sendiri. hehe berat yah mikirnya :p i dont know, i'm just wondering, what have i done with my life? have i done something great?
belakangan banyak mikir, apa yang gw lakukan selama ini itu sebenernya yg gw mau ato bukan sih? i feel like i want to do these things before, tapi belakangan kok kynya i dont really enjoy doing it yah. hmm sometimes i enjoyed it, sometimes i dont. gw jd brapa kali ky baca2 lagi journal gw di jaman2 dulu, wktu masi semangat2nya, excited buat melakukan banyak hal, pengen ini pengen itu. hmm skrg sih masi ada beberapa hal yg buat gw excited, tapi kok rasanya excitednya beda yah. i dont know apa ini gara2 gw lg jenuh aja, ato emang gw harus cari hal2 lain yang bikin gw semangat. i feel like needing to find my purpose back, the exact things/reason i'm created for.
anw, gw bersyukur dari dulu terbiasa nulis journal. krn dr baca2 apa yg ditulis kdg ky jd ngingetin gw lagi apa yg uda lewat, yg uda tercapai, apa yg tadinya jd harapan gw dll, biar back to track lagi. hehe hmm i think gw mulai nulis journal itu dari sebelom tahun 2000-an bukan ya? lupa. udah lama pokonya. dan klo baca2 lagi tuh kadang bisa ketawa sndiri, sedih sendiri, seneng sndiri, dan yang pasti berasa sgt bersyukur, God has led me this far. baca journal itu berasa ky lagi flashback, ky lagi baca balik kehidupan gw dr jaman dulu sampe skrg. hihi kynya klo dibikin buku, uda bisa jadi buku tebel 400-an halaman deh. hehe
back to the topic. i feel like finding new things to do. or maybe just do the other things that excites me n leave the things i get bored now for sometime? hmm i need wisdom. God please help me :'(
yang jelas, skrg gw masi excited sama hal2 ini: cooking, crafts, dogs/pets, trus apalagi yah, ga kepikiran. hmm i really need to find new things! :p

tiba2 keinget lagu ini:
all of my life in every season, You are still God
i have a reason to sing, i have a reason to worship
one thing for sure, He will never leave me, and He has prepared the best for me. Thank You God :)
ayoo semangat joie! :)

Fruit of the Spirit

Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control.
But what happens when we live God's way? He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard—things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity. We develop a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, and a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people. We find ourselves involved in loyal commitments, not needing to force our way in life, able to marshal and direct our energies wisely. (Gal 5:22-23 The Message Bible)