Instruction: Go to, write your name and the word “needs” in the google and click the Goggle Search button. Just for fun, see what comes out of your search.
1. Joy needs tragedy
2. Joy needs to take a lesson and step to the back of the line
3. Joy needs a better understanding of the nature of evil
4. (True) Joy needs true grief
5. Joy needs no translator
6. Joy needs help in hard times
7. Joy needs a few good volunteers
8. Joy needs to leave!
9. Joy needs prayer again
10. Joy needs to spend some serious time in Baghdad
haha :D
me and my world
Friday, March 27, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
~Submit to the Potter's Hands~
There's a story about the couple who went into an antique shop one day and found a beautiful teacup sitting on a shelf. They took it off the shelf so they could look at it more closely, and they said, 'We really want to buy this gorgeus cup.'
All of a sudden, the teacup began to talk, saying, 'I wasn't always like this. There was a time when I was just a cold, hard, colourless lump of clay. One day my master picked me up and said, "I could do something with this." Then He started to pat me, and roll me, and change my shape. I said, "What are you doing? That hurts. I don't know if I want to look like this! Stop!" But he said, "Not Yet".'
'Then he put me on a wheel and began to spin me around and around and around, until I screamed, "Let me off, I am getting dizzy!" "Not yet", he said. Then he shaped me into a cup and put me in a hot oven. I cried, "Let me out! It's hot in here, I am suffocating". But he just looked at me through that little glass window and smiled and said, "Not yet".
'When he took me out, I thought his work on me was over, but then he started to paint me. I couldn't believe what he did next. He put me back into the oven, and I said, "You have to believe me; I can't stand this! Please let me out!" But he said, "Not yet". Finally he took me out of the oven and set me on a shelf where I thought he had forgotten me. Then one day he took me off the shelf and held me before a mirror. I couldn't believe my eyes, I had become a beautiful teacup that everyone wants to buy.'
There may be things going on inside us that we do not understand. But when we finally arrive at the place where God wants to bring us, we will see how it has prepared us for what God wanted for us all along.
~from 'New Day, New You' by Joyce Meyer~
All of a sudden, the teacup began to talk, saying, 'I wasn't always like this. There was a time when I was just a cold, hard, colourless lump of clay. One day my master picked me up and said, "I could do something with this." Then He started to pat me, and roll me, and change my shape. I said, "What are you doing? That hurts. I don't know if I want to look like this! Stop!" But he said, "Not Yet".'
'Then he put me on a wheel and began to spin me around and around and around, until I screamed, "Let me off, I am getting dizzy!" "Not yet", he said. Then he shaped me into a cup and put me in a hot oven. I cried, "Let me out! It's hot in here, I am suffocating". But he just looked at me through that little glass window and smiled and said, "Not yet".
'When he took me out, I thought his work on me was over, but then he started to paint me. I couldn't believe what he did next. He put me back into the oven, and I said, "You have to believe me; I can't stand this! Please let me out!" But he said, "Not yet". Finally he took me out of the oven and set me on a shelf where I thought he had forgotten me. Then one day he took me off the shelf and held me before a mirror. I couldn't believe my eyes, I had become a beautiful teacup that everyone wants to buy.'
There may be things going on inside us that we do not understand. But when we finally arrive at the place where God wants to bring us, we will see how it has prepared us for what God wanted for us all along.
~from 'New Day, New You' by Joyce Meyer~
Friday, March 6, 2009
25 random things about me :)
1. Nama saya carol joy rondeel.. bukan karel, bukan karol, apalagi kolor.huh! bacanya musti bener ya: ['kaərəl] hihi tapi buat amannya panggil joy sajahh :)
2. Saya sangat suka tidur. Tingkat resistensi terhadap kantuk cukup rendah.
3. Sering mengalami short memory syndrome.
4. Gara2 yang nomer 3 diatas jadi suka blankiee..hihi
5. Suka wangi jeruk pas dikupas kulitnya. klo makan jeruk gw suka ngupas di depan idung, eh tapi jadinya mata kena ciprat air jeruknya deh.hehe
6. Saya suka film2 korea (k-drama kadang2,tergantung banyak episodenya ^^), mostly yang romantic comedy dan yang artis2nya ganteng.hehehe apalagi klo yang maen orang korean-american ^o^
7. Prefer dark chocolate than milk or white chocolate, krn rasanya lebih pahit gimanaa terlalu manis.
8. Prefer tea than coffee.
9. Kadang2 klo ngomong ga sengaja bisa randomly ordered gitu ngomongnya, melanggar kaidah s-p-o-k.hihi tp untung org2 masi pd ngerti ya :)
10. Sangat suka kejuu.. bisa abisin setengah blok keju yang 200gr dalam satu hari.hihi
11. Gampang semangat tapi juga gampang down :(
12. Seneng klo liat barang2 handmade dan klo iseng suka bikin2 juga. Tapi kdg suka kebanyakan ide n pas mo bikin males.hohoho
13. I enjoy spending time for myself (“me-time”). dilepas sendirian di mal ga masalah.sendirian di rumah seminggu juga gpp.tapi bukan sendirian yang freaky sampe ky orang goa gitu ya maksudnya.hihi
14. Ga suka ma perpisahan.kdg klo abis anter bokap ato nyokap di bandara, pulangnya nangis sendiri gitu di mobil *rahasia nih sebenernya ^^
15. Suka lagu ‘canon in d’ especially yang versi piano atau yang gitar akustik. Kynya keren gimanaa gitu, pengen suatu saat nanti married pake lagu itu.hihi ^o^
16. Suka liat wedding decorations, table decorations, dekorasi2 kreatif dari barang2 yang tadinya bukan buat hiasan tapi ternyata bisa diubah jadi hiasan.klo ngeliat2 gitu jadi semangat rasanya.
17. Makanya saya suka blogwalking ke blog2 desain luar.mencari inspirasi :)
18. Suka sama desain yang natural. 3 dari 5 tugas mata kuliah DI gw pake konsepnya natural, padahal ga sengaja.hehehe ga tau gwnya yang ga kreatif apa emang cinta natural ya?haha
19. Saya suka semua warna, tapi klo liat warna kuning lemon ma ijo kiwi rasanya seger gimanaa gitu..hihi
20. Suka ma desain urban marketnya fx tuh yang di atas..urban banget menurut gw..
21. Sangat suka naik kora2.. apalagi bareng teman2 penggila kora2.hehe klo main harus duduk di bagian paling blakang yang ga ada atapnya,trus bediri pas di atas..yohoo kangenn..kapan nih ngora2 nonstop lagiii?? :)
22. Tempat2 yang pgn gw kunjungin: new zealand, korea, swiss (mau naik kreta gantung di pegunungan saljunya), niagara falls (naik balon udara di atasnya, bisa gag ya? ^^)
23. Suka nulis haha hihi hehe hoho :D
24. Suka bentuk2 kupu2.. tapi bukan kupu2 aslinya lohh.. :)
25. (akhirnyaaa nyampe nomer 25 jg ^^) hmm..the last thing about me is that I’m enjoying my best life now :) :D :P
*Kynya kok judulnya lebih cocok ‘25 things I love’ yaa??haha
2. Saya sangat suka tidur. Tingkat resistensi terhadap kantuk cukup rendah.
3. Sering mengalami short memory syndrome.
4. Gara2 yang nomer 3 diatas jadi suka blankiee..hihi
5. Suka wangi jeruk pas dikupas kulitnya. klo makan jeruk gw suka ngupas di depan idung, eh tapi jadinya mata kena ciprat air jeruknya deh.hehe
6. Saya suka film2 korea (k-drama kadang2,tergantung banyak episodenya ^^), mostly yang romantic comedy dan yang artis2nya ganteng.hehehe apalagi klo yang maen orang korean-american ^o^
7. Prefer dark chocolate than milk or white chocolate, krn rasanya lebih pahit gimanaa terlalu manis.
8. Prefer tea than coffee.
9. Kadang2 klo ngomong ga sengaja bisa randomly ordered gitu ngomongnya, melanggar kaidah s-p-o-k.hihi tp untung org2 masi pd ngerti ya :)
10. Sangat suka kejuu.. bisa abisin setengah blok keju yang 200gr dalam satu hari.hihi
11. Gampang semangat tapi juga gampang down :(
12. Seneng klo liat barang2 handmade dan klo iseng suka bikin2 juga. Tapi kdg suka kebanyakan ide n pas mo bikin males.hohoho
13. I enjoy spending time for myself (“me-time”). dilepas sendirian di mal ga masalah.sendirian di rumah seminggu juga gpp.tapi bukan sendirian yang freaky sampe ky orang goa gitu ya maksudnya.hihi
14. Ga suka ma perpisahan.kdg klo abis anter bokap ato nyokap di bandara, pulangnya nangis sendiri gitu di mobil *rahasia nih sebenernya ^^
15. Suka lagu ‘canon in d’ especially yang versi piano atau yang gitar akustik. Kynya keren gimanaa gitu, pengen suatu saat nanti married pake lagu itu.hihi ^o^
16. Suka liat wedding decorations, table decorations, dekorasi2 kreatif dari barang2 yang tadinya bukan buat hiasan tapi ternyata bisa diubah jadi hiasan.klo ngeliat2 gitu jadi semangat rasanya.
17. Makanya saya suka blogwalking ke blog2 desain luar.mencari inspirasi :)
18. Suka sama desain yang natural. 3 dari 5 tugas mata kuliah DI gw pake konsepnya natural, padahal ga sengaja.hehehe ga tau gwnya yang ga kreatif apa emang cinta natural ya?haha
19. Saya suka semua warna, tapi klo liat warna kuning lemon ma ijo kiwi rasanya seger gimanaa gitu..hihi
20. Suka ma desain urban marketnya fx tuh yang di atas..urban banget menurut gw..
21. Sangat suka naik kora2.. apalagi bareng teman2 penggila kora2.hehe klo main harus duduk di bagian paling blakang yang ga ada atapnya,trus bediri pas di atas..yohoo kangenn..kapan nih ngora2 nonstop lagiii?? :)
22. Tempat2 yang pgn gw kunjungin: new zealand, korea, swiss (mau naik kreta gantung di pegunungan saljunya), niagara falls (naik balon udara di atasnya, bisa gag ya? ^^)
23. Suka nulis haha hihi hehe hoho :D
24. Suka bentuk2 kupu2.. tapi bukan kupu2 aslinya lohh.. :)
25. (akhirnyaaa nyampe nomer 25 jg ^^) hmm..the last thing about me is that I’m enjoying my best life now :) :D :P
*Kynya kok judulnya lebih cocok ‘25 things I love’ yaa??haha
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
nostagila lagu padhayangan :)
gw baru aja nemuin lagu2 padhayangan tadi siang..duhh ngakak2 lagi dengernya..hihi enjoy :)
padhayangan project p
padhayangan project p
currently loving,
love this *o*
know me better :)
iseng2 mencoba personality test.. :)
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
hmm... 80% kyny bener.hohoho :)
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
hmm... 80% kyny bener.hohoho :)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Without the resistance of air, an eagle can’t soar. Without the resistance of water, a ship can’t float. Without the resistance of gravity, we can’t even walk. Without opposition of resistance, there is no potential for progress. It is the struggle that gives us the strength. -joel osteen
progress mode : on
ola.. sudah lama tidak menulis di sini :)
duh masi kepikiran ttg brita ming2 di s'pore itu.gile ya percaya ga percaya org yg prnah kita kenal bisa berbuat gtu.rasanya shock banget.kok orang bisa ya gara2 ngadepin masalah bisa jadi gelap mata,jadi berbuat nekat ky gitu.selama ini udah sering denger brita ky gini,org ngalamin depresi trus akhirnya bunuh diri gtu2,tapi pas kali ini kejadiannya sama org yang gw kenal jadi rasanya bener2 shock,ga abis pikir.huahh
anw gw rasa tiap orang pasti ngalamin masalah, mgkn masalah keluarga, kuliah, kerjaan, hubungan dll..tapi yang beda itu gimana cara masing2 orang ngadepin masalah itu.sbnernya gede kecilnya masalah itu menurut gw letaknya ada di pikiran kita.apakah kita mau dibuat pusing n depresi sama masalah2 itu, ato kita mau bener2 serahin aja smuanya sama Tuhan. seberat2nya hal itu,pasti masi ada jalan kluar,krn Tuhan kn ga mgkn mengijinkan sesuatu terjadi melebihi kemampuan kita buat ngatasinnya..
beberapa waktu yg lalu gw sempet ngalamin lg gimana rasanya klo hal2 yg trjadi itu di luar kendali gw, di luar yang gw harapkan.dibilang masalah kecil ya kecil, tapi crucial ya crucial jg. sempet rasanya sedih,kecewa,kuatir dsb gtu.rasanya bertanya2 mulu, knapa sih, knapa begini, knapa begitu, ada apa dengan gw, knapa Tuhan, knapa, bagaimana, siapa, dimana, apa, pokonya smua pertanyaan kluar deh.hoho yah mgkn bukan masalah yang gimana2 bgt, tapi anyway, gw blajar banyak. Some things I’ve learned:
* Tuhan pasti punya rencana yang indah.mau keadaannya ky gimana pun, Dia pasti ngerencanain yang terbaik buat anak-anakNya.jadi percaya aja sama Dia.
* Tuhan ijinin hal2 ini terjadi,mgkn supaya orang lain diberkati, atau Tuhan juga pengen liat reaksi kita klo dikasi ujian ky gini kitanya gimana, gitu.
*Choose to be happy. Blajar supaya tetep joyful and happy. Walopun keadaannya bikin kita stress ato bingung ato ga jelas ato ga seperti yang kita harapkan,kita masi tetep bisa bersukacita krn Tuhan yang pegang hidup kita. Bukan cuma joyful pada saat semua dalam hidup terjadi seperti yang kita harapkan, tapi jg joyful waktu keadaan tidak jadi seperti yang kita harapkan, kn Dia tetep menuntun langkah hidup kita.
* Tuhan tidak memberikan sesuatu melebihi kapasitas kita. Mungkin Tuhan blom jawab doa2 kita, krn kapasitas kita masi kurang besar untuk bisa nerima berkatnya. Kita mau something big, but actually kita blom siap ato kapasitasnya blom cukup utk itu. jadi, msti perbesar kapasitas dulu.
* Ketika Tuhan melalukan pembesaran kapasitas dalam hidup kita, emang rasany belum tentu enak, ky ruangan yang sedang direnov kn suka ditulis tuh ‘maaf atas ketidaknyamanan anda’. Nah gtu jg halnya dengan ini. kita ngalamin hal2 ini krn Tuhan lagi melakukan pembongkaran dalam hidup kita. Dia lagi mau memperbesar kapasitas kita. :)
Jadi klo diibaratkan ky komputer,klo lagi ngadepin masalah itu critanya kita lagi mo diupgrade, hard disknya, memorynya, ato apanya lah..nah mgkn pas lagi progress kdg ada system crash ato ada tiba2 virus nakal yang bikin kacau (ga ngerti komputer sok2an.hihi), tapi at the end stelah diupgrade kn komputernya jalannya makin bagus, makin cepet,dan punya capacity yang baru jg yang siap buat trima program2 baru yang butuh capacity gede.hehehe
ya gitu deh yang gw dpt akhir2 ini.abis baca buku soalnya,baca permainan cantik-nya jeffrey rachmat n your best life now-nya joel osteen.. rekor juga nih sebenernya.slama ini blom pernah bisa nyelesain baca buku2 ky gtu sampe abis.klo novel si bisa langsung abisin, tapi buku2 ky gini blom prnah berhasil.hehe but finally gw bisa.yay!!hehehe
lastly said,in every struggle of life, i want learn to keep my focus on my God and just put trust in Him,expecting the best out of everything,knowing that my life's secured in His hands. semangaaattt!!!! :) ♥
duh masi kepikiran ttg brita ming2 di s'pore itu.gile ya percaya ga percaya org yg prnah kita kenal bisa berbuat gtu.rasanya shock banget.kok orang bisa ya gara2 ngadepin masalah bisa jadi gelap mata,jadi berbuat nekat ky gitu.selama ini udah sering denger brita ky gini,org ngalamin depresi trus akhirnya bunuh diri gtu2,tapi pas kali ini kejadiannya sama org yang gw kenal jadi rasanya bener2 shock,ga abis pikir.huahh
anw gw rasa tiap orang pasti ngalamin masalah, mgkn masalah keluarga, kuliah, kerjaan, hubungan dll..tapi yang beda itu gimana cara masing2 orang ngadepin masalah itu.sbnernya gede kecilnya masalah itu menurut gw letaknya ada di pikiran kita.apakah kita mau dibuat pusing n depresi sama masalah2 itu, ato kita mau bener2 serahin aja smuanya sama Tuhan. seberat2nya hal itu,pasti masi ada jalan kluar,krn Tuhan kn ga mgkn mengijinkan sesuatu terjadi melebihi kemampuan kita buat ngatasinnya..
beberapa waktu yg lalu gw sempet ngalamin lg gimana rasanya klo hal2 yg trjadi itu di luar kendali gw, di luar yang gw harapkan.dibilang masalah kecil ya kecil, tapi crucial ya crucial jg. sempet rasanya sedih,kecewa,kuatir dsb gtu.rasanya bertanya2 mulu, knapa sih, knapa begini, knapa begitu, ada apa dengan gw, knapa Tuhan, knapa, bagaimana, siapa, dimana, apa, pokonya smua pertanyaan kluar deh.hoho yah mgkn bukan masalah yang gimana2 bgt, tapi anyway, gw blajar banyak. Some things I’ve learned:
* Tuhan pasti punya rencana yang indah.mau keadaannya ky gimana pun, Dia pasti ngerencanain yang terbaik buat anak-anakNya.jadi percaya aja sama Dia.
* Tuhan ijinin hal2 ini terjadi,mgkn supaya orang lain diberkati, atau Tuhan juga pengen liat reaksi kita klo dikasi ujian ky gini kitanya gimana, gitu.
*Choose to be happy. Blajar supaya tetep joyful and happy. Walopun keadaannya bikin kita stress ato bingung ato ga jelas ato ga seperti yang kita harapkan,kita masi tetep bisa bersukacita krn Tuhan yang pegang hidup kita. Bukan cuma joyful pada saat semua dalam hidup terjadi seperti yang kita harapkan, tapi jg joyful waktu keadaan tidak jadi seperti yang kita harapkan, kn Dia tetep menuntun langkah hidup kita.
* Tuhan tidak memberikan sesuatu melebihi kapasitas kita. Mungkin Tuhan blom jawab doa2 kita, krn kapasitas kita masi kurang besar untuk bisa nerima berkatnya. Kita mau something big, but actually kita blom siap ato kapasitasnya blom cukup utk itu. jadi, msti perbesar kapasitas dulu.
* Ketika Tuhan melalukan pembesaran kapasitas dalam hidup kita, emang rasany belum tentu enak, ky ruangan yang sedang direnov kn suka ditulis tuh ‘maaf atas ketidaknyamanan anda’. Nah gtu jg halnya dengan ini. kita ngalamin hal2 ini krn Tuhan lagi melakukan pembongkaran dalam hidup kita. Dia lagi mau memperbesar kapasitas kita. :)
Jadi klo diibaratkan ky komputer,klo lagi ngadepin masalah itu critanya kita lagi mo diupgrade, hard disknya, memorynya, ato apanya lah..nah mgkn pas lagi progress kdg ada system crash ato ada tiba2 virus nakal yang bikin kacau (ga ngerti komputer sok2an.hihi), tapi at the end stelah diupgrade kn komputernya jalannya makin bagus, makin cepet,dan punya capacity yang baru jg yang siap buat trima program2 baru yang butuh capacity gede.hehehe
ya gitu deh yang gw dpt akhir2 ini.abis baca buku soalnya,baca permainan cantik-nya jeffrey rachmat n your best life now-nya joel osteen.. rekor juga nih sebenernya.slama ini blom pernah bisa nyelesain baca buku2 ky gtu sampe abis.klo novel si bisa langsung abisin, tapi buku2 ky gini blom prnah berhasil.hehe but finally gw bisa.yay!!hehehe
lastly said,in every struggle of life, i want learn to keep my focus on my God and just put trust in Him,expecting the best out of everything,knowing that my life's secured in His hands. semangaaattt!!!! :) ♥
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