this is the front office 3d image of my DI 4 project: Fitness Indonesia Magazine Office Design. it's one of my holiday plan to make the 3d images of my old work (the old one only had manual perspective images-gw masi blom bisa bikin 3d dulu.hehe) if u want to see the old work, click here. the 3d image above is quite different than the old manual perspective work. the old one looks dark, and this one looks fresh. i prefer this one than the old one.haha ahh it's too bad that on those days i haven't learned about 3dmax, if i did, i would have an A instead of B for this project, i guess.hoho but anyway thank God i've passed that DI 4 :)
so, i've been on holiday for more than a month. sometimes i get bored. sometimes i'm so unproductive. i even got bored of the malls.haha so, i've decided to make a holiday schedule. wake up at about 8-9 o'clock, read books, make some food experiment, make some craft, make the 3d images like what i've shown above (actually i only had made one until today, still more images waiting to be worked on.hihi), preparing my final project etc.
oya, forgot to tell, my final project topic is accepted already. yay.. and the one that has been chosen by my lecturers is the most heavy topic out from the 3 proposals i've submitted. uahh i'm excited yet nervous. hope i can make it.. at my best.. amin :)
back to the topic, i'm trying to develop some good habits in this holiday, like drinking about 1,5-2 litres of mineral water a day, doing some exercise, creating something, eat only when it's the time to eat (not eating all the time.hihi), sleep early and wake up earlier. like the old sayings 'early to bed, early to rise, makes u healthy wealthy and wise'..hihi but, lazy me, i only did those schedule on the first week.haha the following week i go unproductive again, doing what i'm not supposed to do, not doing what i'm supposed to do. i woke up at noon, sleep late at night (nearly morning), playing games, browsing around for nothing, etc.soo uproductive.yea i know it's holiday, but it kinda making me feel guilty if i'm being like that all the time.ahh so i'm struggling to be productive day by day..and it's kinda hard to sleep early these days, when i'm ready to sleep even at 12 o'clock, i ended up sleeping at 1 or 2 am..uahh
but the point i'm making here is to discipline my self. if no one's controlling me, then i must control myself. and i believe i could make it.. :) :)
today i'm making a scrapwork project. i'll post about it when it's finished :)
oya, another thing, today i'm learning to say no.. ahh thx God :)
i guess it's all the updates for now. gonna continue the project. ciao~
me and my world
Friday, July 31, 2009
what's ur one thing?
Ola :)
Gw td ngereview ulang apa yg gw dpt kemaren di date..emang biasa klo gw dpt something gw tulis di journal gw. Tp trus gw ky kepikiran utk copy paste ke blog jg..hehe
Jadi kmrn date leader gw share ttg holy discontent.. jujur awal2 gw masi agak susah ngerti sih, lg berasa lemot, mikirnya lama.hihi makanya td gw tulis lagi di journal, spy lebih ngerti. jadi sharenya ttg bgini:
Tiap orang pasti punya sesuatu yang Tuhan taro dalem dirinya, we called it ‘one thing’. That one thing itu maksudnya ketidakpuasan kita akan sesuatu yang seharusnya ga begitu. Duhh, susah jg nih jelasinnya. Jadi senangkep gw, ada dua ketidakpuasan. Satu ketidakpuasan kita yg bikin kita ga bersyukur dan nagging dan jadi ga puas sama apa yang ada misalnya ky ga puas nih kok gw ky bgini, kok kerjaan gw begini, kok dia begitu dan sebagainya. Satu lagi namanya holy discontent, yaitu ketidakpuasan kita akan keadaan yang sebenernya senada dengan apa yang Tuhan rasakan. Sesuatu yang kita rasa itu salah banget dan kita rasanya pengen fight untuk mengubahnya. Ky misalnya, klo liat anak2 jalanan, kita rasanya klo ngeliat mereka, duhh kenapa sih mereka bgitu, knapa ada org2 ky gtu, rasanya ga tahan sama hal itu, kasian sama mereka, but it felt like we can’t do anything about it. Rasanya panas hati, gitu kali ya. That is called holy discontentment. Dan mgkn hal itu ditaroh Tuhan dalam hidup lo supaya lo jadi orang yang dipakai Tuhan untuk do something about it.
DL gw jg bilang soal pelayanan, discontentment itu diperlukan jg. Jadi org yang mau pelayanan bukan smbarangan krn pengen pelayanan, tapi jg ada kerinduan untuk make something different dari ketidakpuasan akan apa yang ada.
Berlanjut dari discontentment yang kita alamin, kita harus ngasah skill kita. Mgkn ada orang2 yg Tuhan pilih untuk bawa perubahan dan Dia sudah buat org2 itu mampu untuk melakukannya (punya potensinya). Tapi ada jg orang2 yg ga nyadarin potensi itu. So when u get that discontentment, asah skill dan potensi spy lo mampu utk fight for it. Jgn ngerasa ga pede ato ga bisa, Tuhan pasti mampuin kita dan kita pasti bisa. Ky crita musa yang disuru Tuhan bawa orang Israel kluar dari mesir, dia tuh ampe nanya Tuhan 5 kali, kenapa gw, knapa ga yg lain, gw ga bs ngomong, sgala macem.. org sehebat musa aja awal2nya bgitu, dia ga pede. Tapi tnyata Tuhan memampukannya. Klo Tuhan udah memilih kita dan menaruh that discontentment dalam hati kita, Dia pasti jg udah nyiapin smua potensi dan memampukan kita untuk melakukannya. So, pointnya yg gw dpt adalah untuk berani dan ngembangin apa yang udah Tuhan taroh dalam hati kita. Jangan biarin keraguan menghalangi kita untuk melakukan kehendak Tuhan.
Jadi klo disimpulin, holy discontent (‘one thing’) itu adalah something yang memotivasi kita untuk melakukan sesuatu karena kita merasa keadaan yang terjadi skrg itu salah/ga bener. Discontentment ini yang jg memotivasi org2 ky musa, daud, mother Theresa, martin luther king untuk melakukan apa yang akhirnya mereka lakukan, membawa perubahan.
So, ask urselves.. what’s your one thing?
Gw td ngereview ulang apa yg gw dpt kemaren di date..emang biasa klo gw dpt something gw tulis di journal gw. Tp trus gw ky kepikiran utk copy paste ke blog jg..hehe
Jadi kmrn date leader gw share ttg holy discontent.. jujur awal2 gw masi agak susah ngerti sih, lg berasa lemot, mikirnya lama.hihi makanya td gw tulis lagi di journal, spy lebih ngerti. jadi sharenya ttg bgini:
Tiap orang pasti punya sesuatu yang Tuhan taro dalem dirinya, we called it ‘one thing’. That one thing itu maksudnya ketidakpuasan kita akan sesuatu yang seharusnya ga begitu. Duhh, susah jg nih jelasinnya. Jadi senangkep gw, ada dua ketidakpuasan. Satu ketidakpuasan kita yg bikin kita ga bersyukur dan nagging dan jadi ga puas sama apa yang ada misalnya ky ga puas nih kok gw ky bgini, kok kerjaan gw begini, kok dia begitu dan sebagainya. Satu lagi namanya holy discontent, yaitu ketidakpuasan kita akan keadaan yang sebenernya senada dengan apa yang Tuhan rasakan. Sesuatu yang kita rasa itu salah banget dan kita rasanya pengen fight untuk mengubahnya. Ky misalnya, klo liat anak2 jalanan, kita rasanya klo ngeliat mereka, duhh kenapa sih mereka bgitu, knapa ada org2 ky gtu, rasanya ga tahan sama hal itu, kasian sama mereka, but it felt like we can’t do anything about it. Rasanya panas hati, gitu kali ya. That is called holy discontentment. Dan mgkn hal itu ditaroh Tuhan dalam hidup lo supaya lo jadi orang yang dipakai Tuhan untuk do something about it.
DL gw jg bilang soal pelayanan, discontentment itu diperlukan jg. Jadi org yang mau pelayanan bukan smbarangan krn pengen pelayanan, tapi jg ada kerinduan untuk make something different dari ketidakpuasan akan apa yang ada.
Berlanjut dari discontentment yang kita alamin, kita harus ngasah skill kita. Mgkn ada orang2 yg Tuhan pilih untuk bawa perubahan dan Dia sudah buat org2 itu mampu untuk melakukannya (punya potensinya). Tapi ada jg orang2 yg ga nyadarin potensi itu. So when u get that discontentment, asah skill dan potensi spy lo mampu utk fight for it. Jgn ngerasa ga pede ato ga bisa, Tuhan pasti mampuin kita dan kita pasti bisa. Ky crita musa yang disuru Tuhan bawa orang Israel kluar dari mesir, dia tuh ampe nanya Tuhan 5 kali, kenapa gw, knapa ga yg lain, gw ga bs ngomong, sgala macem.. org sehebat musa aja awal2nya bgitu, dia ga pede. Tapi tnyata Tuhan memampukannya. Klo Tuhan udah memilih kita dan menaruh that discontentment dalam hati kita, Dia pasti jg udah nyiapin smua potensi dan memampukan kita untuk melakukannya. So, pointnya yg gw dpt adalah untuk berani dan ngembangin apa yang udah Tuhan taroh dalam hati kita. Jangan biarin keraguan menghalangi kita untuk melakukan kehendak Tuhan.
Jadi klo disimpulin, holy discontent (‘one thing’) itu adalah something yang memotivasi kita untuk melakukan sesuatu karena kita merasa keadaan yang terjadi skrg itu salah/ga bener. Discontentment ini yang jg memotivasi org2 ky musa, daud, mother Theresa, martin luther king untuk melakukan apa yang akhirnya mereka lakukan, membawa perubahan.
So, ask urselves.. what’s your one thing?
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Today's Verse
He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you,
for my power is made perfect in weakness."
... For when I am weak, then I am strong. ~2 Corinthians 12 : 9-10
~what to do when you don’t know what to do~
a note from last sunday's sermon by ps Kong Hee
5 things to do:
1. Set your heart to seek the Lord. Humble yourself and pray, seek God. Don’t underestimate the power of prayer.
2. Focus in the promises of God, not on the problems.
3. (verse 13) Stand before God. Anchor your faith in the Lord.
4. Wait for the Holy Spirit.
5. (verse 22) Begin to praise in the fire. When you praise God in your difficult times, you’re giving God sacrifice. What touches your heart will touch God’s heart too. When you praise God, angels are coming down to fight the problems with you.
5 things to do:
1. Set your heart to seek the Lord. Humble yourself and pray, seek God. Don’t underestimate the power of prayer.
2. Focus in the promises of God, not on the problems.
3. (verse 13) Stand before God. Anchor your faith in the Lord.
4. Wait for the Holy Spirit.
5. (verse 22) Begin to praise in the fire. When you praise God in your difficult times, you’re giving God sacrifice. What touches your heart will touch God’s heart too. When you praise God, angels are coming down to fight the problems with you.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Back to U
There's a story about a man and his small son who were hiking up a mountain. Suddenly, the little boy slipped and slid about thirty yards down the mountainside, getting caught in some brush. Unhurt but frightened, he called out, "Somebody, help me!"
A voice called back, "Somebody, help me!"
The youngster looked surprised and confused. He said, "Who are you?"
The voice shouted back, "Who are you?"
The boy began to get aggravated. "You're a coward!" he yelled.
The voice shouted back, "You're a coward!"
The boy shot back, "You're a fool."
The voice repeated, "You're a fool."
By then, the boy's father had reached him and helped extricate his son from the brush. The boy looked up and said, "Dad, who is that?"
The father chuckled and said, "Son, that's called an echo, but it's also called life." He said, "Son, let me show you something." The dad shouted out, "You're a winner!"
The voice shouted back, "You're a winner!"
The dad's voice boomed, "You've got what it takes."
The voice boomed back, "You've got what it takes."
The dad shouted, "You can make it."
The voice shouted back, "You can make it."
"Son, that's exactly how it is in life," the father explained. "Whatever you send out always comes back to you."
What message are you sending out about yourself?
quoted from Joel Osteen's Become a Better You~
A voice called back, "Somebody, help me!"
The youngster looked surprised and confused. He said, "Who are you?"
The voice shouted back, "Who are you?"
The boy began to get aggravated. "You're a coward!" he yelled.
The voice shouted back, "You're a coward!"
The boy shot back, "You're a fool."
The voice repeated, "You're a fool."
By then, the boy's father had reached him and helped extricate his son from the brush. The boy looked up and said, "Dad, who is that?"
The father chuckled and said, "Son, that's called an echo, but it's also called life." He said, "Son, let me show you something." The dad shouted out, "You're a winner!"
The voice shouted back, "You're a winner!"
The dad's voice boomed, "You've got what it takes."
The voice boomed back, "You've got what it takes."
The dad shouted, "You can make it."
The voice shouted back, "You can make it."
"Son, that's exactly how it is in life," the father explained. "Whatever you send out always comes back to you."
What message are you sending out about yourself?
quoted from Joel Osteen's Become a Better You~
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Food Experiment 001
i was so excited to make something new today.. so i came up with the idea of creating something different with noodle.. here is what i've made today. yay! :)




i called this 'Veggie-nut Noodle Pancake'.. :)
i'm kinda dissappointed with the result, it's not like what i've expected, but the taste is quite okay.. maybe it just need a bit more salt.hihi n maybe next time i should learn how to put the food on the plate in style n make it attractive :) :)
any comments, people? :D
i'm kinda dissappointed with the result, it's not like what i've expected, but the taste is quite okay.. maybe it just need a bit more salt.hihi n maybe next time i should learn how to put the food on the plate in style n make it attractive :) :)
any comments, people? :D
i've made it :)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
tweet tweet :)
changed my twitter background today using twitbacks.. immediately fell in love with the butterfly shape, the colors, the composition.. LOVE IT!! :) :)
love this *o*
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
recycled t-shirts
found thisolddress today and i'm inspired by these pictures.. the idea is to use t-shirt fabrics and some fabric paints to create these things. kewl! :)
love this *o*
Thursday, July 2, 2009
my interior design style
just found an interior design syle test via my friend's blog.. :)
here's my result:
43% Contemporary
29% Hollywood Couture
28% Modern Elegance
dont know if this result is accurate or not, since i'm doing blogwalking too while doing the test..hihi
want to try it? click here :)
here's my result:
43% Contemporary
29% Hollywood Couture
28% Modern Elegance
So fresh and so clean! Antiques? No thanks! Vintage collections and clutter of any type? Not for you! You like your space new and sleek. Each piece is chosen carefully as if it was a piece of art, and your love of minimalism is expressed throughout each room. Furniture has clean lines and geometric shapes are preferred. You're not afraid of color; in fact bold color options only highlight the minimal items you choose for your home. But, the key is clean! To master the minimalist interior you not only have to be selective in the few furniture items you bring into the space, but you must also find a way to hide all of the real life items as well.Materials
With contemporary design the material of the object is nearly as important as the object itself. Manmade materials such as acrylic, steel and plastic are often found in your spaces and chrome and glass can also fill prominent roles. Wood is also used, though the nature of the wood is rarely highlighted. Stains tend to be either very dark or very light so that the grains of the wood are minimized and only the color remains.Colors
Colors range dramatically from subtle neutrals to bright colors, though the one consistent element is the lack of clashing patterns and busy color palates. Bright colors are used sparingly and intended to create drama and highlight a wall or piece of furniture. Many times the entire space will be neutral in palate and it is only the art and accessories that bring in color and drama. In this sense the space literally acts as an art gallery intended to highlight only the items of utmost importance.Space Planning
When space planning the focus is placed on finding the right pieces to give you enough seating for entertaining but never so much that the room feels cluttered. The feeling should always be one of less is more, and your furniture tends to appear more as works of art than simply as a sofa or a chair.dont know if this result is accurate or not, since i'm doing blogwalking too while doing the test..hihi
want to try it? click here :)
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