Thursday, July 2, 2009

my interior design style

just found an interior design syle test via my friend's blog.. :)
here's my result:
43% Contemporary
29% Hollywood Couture
28% Modern Elegance


So fresh and so clean! Antiques? No thanks! Vintage collections and clutter of any type? Not for you! You like your space new and sleek. Each piece is chosen carefully as if it was a piece of art, and your love of minimalism is expressed throughout each room. Furniture has clean lines and geometric shapes are preferred. You're not afraid of color; in fact bold color options only highlight the minimal items you choose for your home. But, the key is clean! To master the minimalist interior you not only have to be selective in the few furniture items you bring into the space, but you must also find a way to hide all of the real life items as well.


With contemporary design the material of the object is nearly as important as the object itself. Manmade materials such as acrylic, steel and plastic are often found in your spaces and chrome and glass can also fill prominent roles. Wood is also used, though the nature of the wood is rarely highlighted. Stains tend to be either very dark or very light so that the grains of the wood are minimized and only the color remains.


Colors range dramatically from subtle neutrals to bright colors, though the one consistent element is the lack of clashing patterns and busy color palates. Bright colors are used sparingly and intended to create drama and highlight a wall or piece of furniture. Many times the entire space will be neutral in palate and it is only the art and accessories that bring in color and drama. In this sense the space literally acts as an art gallery intended to highlight only the items of utmost importance.

Space Planning

When space planning the focus is placed on finding the right pieces to give you enough seating for entertaining but never so much that the room feels cluttered. The feeling should always be one of less is more, and your furniture tends to appear more as works of art than simply as a sofa or a chair.

dont know if this result is accurate or not, since i'm doing blogwalking too while doing the test..hihi
want to try it? click here :)