Saturday, April 25, 2009

how to reduce under eye circles

iseng2 googling..abisnya bawah mata gw suka item jg ky org begadang mulu.haha emang suka kurang tdr si,dan kynya turunan jg nih mata bgini..haha so here's some tips to reduce the black circles under eyes:
1|| Get plenty of rest! Under-eye circles can be a result of sleep deprivation. Also, do not fall asleep when you head faces in a downward angle (keep it elevated), which may result in under-eye circles due to fluid draining to your face.
2|| Treat your skin while you sleep. There are overnight facial masques available that may help reduce the appearance of puffiness or discoloration, but you can also make your own. Just before you go to bed, take a washcloth and wet it just a bit with cold water. Then squeeze out any excess water and place it over your eyes as you sleep.
3|| Drink plenty of water. Drinking too much coffee or alcohol can do damage to your adrenals, so stay hydrated.
4|| Avoid sweets or cut down on them, as they can also affect the way your appearance looks.
5|| Apply cool tea bags, an ice cube wrapped in soft cloth, or cucumber slices to your eyes daily. The tannin in tea bags has been shown to reduce swelling and discoloration, and cucumber slices have long been used to reduce puffiness and refresh the appearance of skin around the eyes. Lie down, preferably in the morning, and leave fresh cucumber slices or cool, damp caffeinated tea bags (you can refrigerate them overnight so they’ll be ready) over your eyes for about 10-15 minutes. Keep your eyes closed.
6|| When using facial lotions, look for ingredients such as Vitamin E or chamomile, which will calm down any evidence of inflammation and make your skin look younger.
7|| Try to relax the space. You can do this by wetting a cotton swab and then freezing it for a little while. Then you should gently wipe under your eyes in the areas where the circles are occurring. When wiping, close your eyes and try not to flinch.
8|| Apply an eye cream containing vitamin K and retinol. Dark circles may be caused by a deficiency of vitamin K. Regardless of the cause, however, recent research has shown that skin creams containing these two ingredients reduce puffiness and discoloration significantly in many patients. Long-term daily use seems to have the greatest effect.
9|| Avoid rubbing your eyes. Usually rubbing of the eyes is brought on by allergies, but not always. Regardless of the reason, stop doing it. The rubbing irritates the skin and can break tiny capillaries beneath the skin, causing both puffiness and discoloration.
10|| Eat a healthy, balanced diet, take vitamins, and drink plenty of water. A whole host of cosmetic problems can be attributed to vitamin deficiencies. Dark circles and puffiness are often attributed to lack of vitamin K or inadequate antioxidants. Also, a deficiency in B12 (usually anemia-related) can result in dark circles. Be sure to get plenty of fruits and vegetables—especially cabbage, spinach, and other leafy green vegetables—and take a daily vitamin supplement if necessary. Get adequate fluids to improve circulation.
11|| Reduce salt intake. Excess salt causes the body to retain water in unusual places, and this can result in puffiness under the eyes. Too much salt can also impair your circulation, and cause the blood vessels under the skin to appear bluer.

~from: ehow, wikihow